Usually there are few buildings which have casting abilities and the player usually builds these buildings to get new units or tech. but is it not nice to make these buildings more effective in the game by giving them unique abilities like the nydus canal, does anyone know if the buildings in starcraft 2 will have some unique abilities?
What about the Dark Pylon with the increased mineral harvest ability for the Probes? Or the Command Centre with Mule Drop, Sensor Sweep, SCV carry and the huge cannon after the Planetary Fortress upgrade? Or the new Spine Crawlers that replace the Sunken Colonies, and can now move? Or the Photon Cannon, that now can transform to an energy form and move around the map? And lots of Terran buildings can still fly. No worries. Plenty of building abilities left.
@Aurora. Lift off is not exactly unique seeing as half the Terran buildings have it. And Photon Cannons can't phase out anymore, blizzard saw it more fit on the Zerg side. Hence why Spine Crawlers and Spore Crawlers can crawl.
*facepalm* @ phasing But liftoff is unique for the race, and I said that . So I was already aware of that. I just listed it because it falls under building abilities category. I might have misinterpreted it. :/
They made dark pylon speed up mineral gathering time... maaan thats lame )) why do that? now I have to look perfect spot for dark pylons jeezz.. they could give it some slow min gaining ability on its own. like 1 per 5 sec or so ... well I guess it`s better than nothing but still I think every building should have it`s own unique ability like heal troops for bunkers or FAST MOPRHING at spawning pool : increase morphing time by 25% for short time. Or Empower warp blades at forge - all zealots and dark templars do extra DMG for short time ...
Cannon phasing has been removed?!?!?!? But... I had all these strategies thought up for Protoss utilizing the phase cannons and the phase prism... Blech.
Yeah, I was disappointed when I heard about this as well. Movable cannons was always something I wished was in StarCraft: Brood War.
Yeah, I was really hoping for mobile cannons too. Also, they could make the units in the dark pylon's range become invisible. After all, it does have the word "dark". And I was also thinking, like, Merc Haven be entered by marines and heal them after a period of time. I mean, a pub+strippers will definitely heal men right?
^ Medivac Dropship. That heals them way faster, since they are not required to leave the battlefield for it. Such an ability would add almost nothing to the game... It would certainly be fun to watch, though. XD
Hehe, if we could watch them, then it would be an adult game or something. Should it really be an ability, then marines would have a better defense before they can build the starport...but enough of that now. What do you think about the dark pylon making units invisible? It would be like the arbiter, but immobile. It would mean a better defense for protoss, plus they could protect the probes from an early rush if they place it near the mineral fields.