Would it be awesome if there was an ability where the brood lord vomits 10 broodlings out of its mouth?
Short: No. Medium: Why does it not just shoot them faster if it have 10 in surplus? Long: Lorewise, it would be the same as saying that a collossus suddenly could make 10 attacks at the same time. Horrible overpowered and boring. If you want a buff, find out of an interesting ability, or give some kind of reason please.
Yes! It would be very cool. I also think that brood lords should have siege tanks (sieged of course) taped to their backs. One thing I believe I can improve upon though is instead of boring, underpowered broodlings... it should instead spit out a mix of void rays and more brood lords
Brood lords need to be able to carry one battlecruiser each that shoots out carriers and those carriers shoot out siege tanks that shoot marauders that shoot banelings that when they blow up, spawn 10 zerglings with the move speed and attack speed upgrades.
i dont think the broodlords need to be buffed even though i'm a zerg player but the corrupters suck my sister once used a strategy as zerg player to just tech straight to hive and get a mix of corrupter/broodlords and it was awesome!! but now she plays protoss D:
A mix of Corruptors and Brood Lords would get owned by a fleet of Void Rays no problem. Probabbly just as fast as they rip through Mutalisks.
oh i didn't really know that.... i mean the voidrays cost much more :3 Zerg ftw!! But the thing with the Corrupter/Broodlord strategy was that her opponent didn't scout her (it was in the silver league btw) but because of that he just had a huge ground army that just got raped by the broodlords and by the time he got the anti air he needed he was allready dead xD
One fun idea I had is to let brood lords load zerglings or banelings and launch them as an ability. I don't think it should be done, brood lords are fine as they are right now, but it'd fun fun, wouldn't it?