Geez and just whos fault is that? Yep, yours BoP, so instead of whinning you should've done something about it.
/me high fives OM, and says he is friggin awesome have you seen daleks in manhattan and evolution of the daleks?
i hope this forum will make a contest soon with real prizes like money etc. other forums have it and this forum should to, i don't recall a real contest on this forum before tho. xp
Zeratul, do you read the thread before you post in it? You can already buy T-shirts if you want something real from this site. Competitions with real prizes have been considered a long time ago, but the forum move and I guess summer itself prevented it from happening. But even if we get such competitions I doubt the prize would be money instead of merchandise, because money involves laws and taxes. But why are you constantly trying to get something out of this site? Get a job
Studying does not rule out the ability to earn money, you just need to want it. Money will not fall into your arms like I think you'd like it to. edit: just checked your profile... if you're really 23 then I really don't know what to say