BR2 Control Interface + Zergling observations/?s

Discussion in 'Zerg' started by Fiasco, Apr 18, 2009.

BR2 Control Interface + Zergling observations/?s

Discussion in 'Zerg' started by Fiasco, Apr 18, 2009.

  1. Fiasco

    Fiasco New Member

    Feb 27, 2009
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    So in the new battle report around the 13min mark when a bunch of zerglings are attacking the back entrance rocks, 6 zerglings are unable to melee the rocks since all the spaces are taken. Those zerglings must simply hop back and forth behind the front line. Then, he morphs all but 1 of those 6 into banelings, plus 1 of the zerglings on the line. With that zergling that had been on the line in egg form, a zergling that had been hopping around gets to melee in its place.

    It was also clear from the resources window that he only had enough minerals to morph 6 into banelings.

    So my question is about user interface. I am guessing he had all of the zerglings selected (with double-click mechanism?) and then hit the baneling key. Then, as many of them as he had resources for starting morphing. I thought it was interesting that it was almost entirely the zerglings that weren't able to attack that morphed. It would be cool if the computer knew to assign the morph to the non-combat zerglings, however, there is clearly one exception, that a zerg on the attack line morphs and one doing nothing doesn't morph but goes on the attack in its place. Why was this?

    Does anyone know if there will be additional user-interface command options different from the original, such that you could select just the non-attacking zerglings or the computer would know to assign morphing to only those units?

    Also, I know formation was never a part of the original, and this is left to a player's micro ability. But wouldn't it be nice to have the option when sending in an army to have them either get there as quickly as their speed dictates (as is the case now), OR the army will slow to move with the slowest moving unit, such that all units arrive at the same time? That would be a pretty minor tactic option. It would also be nice if you could do things like have units form shields around healer/caster units a la Age of Empires but I understand thats not really starcraft.

    Or, what about a compromise, where you can set your units in a formation you want them and then hit some kind of hold key such that they maintain that shape but you can still move them. This would still require a lot of micro skill and add another dimension to gameplay.

    Finally, I know there are threads about this already but heres my two cents on the zerglings graphics. I kinda like the wings, but I don't mind if they don't have them. What I don't like however is the way their pincer's at the front of the head stick way up and bob up and down when the move, making them almost look like tentacles or antennae half the time, and too flimsy. I think that needs some serious redesign. Also, I think its cool that they hop, but especially when they have upgraded speed and on the creep as in the latter-half of BR2, it makes them look way to jerky. I think they need to smooth that out so they look more like a bounding ballet dancer, more fluidly going from one hop to the next.
  2. Aurora

    Aurora The Defiant

    Sep 12, 2007
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    Welcome to the forum, never saw you posting before! About the interface:
    Karune already stated that the units and buildings have priority at this moment. The UI is still subject to change. So no need to worry about that. The only new command that pops into my mind now, is that zerg get seperate rally points. One for drones and one for the rest, which is a great addition to the game.

    As for formations:
    Like you said. This is no age of empires. A slow move would come in handy, though. However, that would interfere with the unit statistics always being the same. Leave those things in warcraft. Starcraft uses less variables, which has already proven to work pretty good imo. :D
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