Hey! I need help learning how to make triggers for a bound game. I don't know how to create the explosion effects and how to stop the explosions or how to stop the explosions after a player finishes that obstacle. I have actually never created a bound trigger before so help would be appreciated! By the way, forum mods, please don't move this thread to the maps and replays section because I looked there and umm... Well, it looks like no one goes to that section so I'm afraid I won't get any answers.
This belongs in the Maps and Replays section and its just as likely to get answered here than the Starcraft 1 section. As for your question I don't know very much about the triggers other than they are complicated and the xplosions are just units dieing at an extremely fast rate.
I don't like you Kerwyn... Should I say that was a joke? I know that they are just units dying at a fast rate but what causes say, a zergling to die when it is at that spot when the explosion happens? I've tried to open a bound map but every single bound map is frikin protected! RAGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHGHHGHGHGH
Basicly the triggers are things that run under a certain set of conditions that run a spawn unit effect (to determine the explosion type generally its an air unit) and then either a kill all of kill specific units command to kill the unit for the explosion and/or the player's unit. The effects and be repeated and specificly timed using delay effects and preserves effects to create a sequnce of repeating killing explosions a player would have to manuever around. Again I don't know how to create these triggers I just have a general idea of what they are comprimised of.
the explosions? use an archon or something (the red glowing one, i forgot the name, im such a noob) set a location and create a trigger that would spawn and kill all units instantly in that location... then just make a trigger to turn it off or something.... ive never heard of bound triggers as well as use them before