06-15-2009 Anyone who wants to share blue posts feel free to post here. I just thought it'd be nice to have a single topic dedicated to them since the other posts are scattered across the forum and that can make it hard to find.
*sigh* how many times are they going to change the Tier placement of the Hydralisk? this is the third(maybe 4th) time they moved it to Tier 2.5 and brought it back to 1.5 and told us about it.
Dude, I think they should put stalkers roaches and I cant remember the terrans units name... Marauder? So you can build right away? Can you I am just wondering because I cant remember. Welcome btw P.S I am not good with my sc2 units.
if you use roachs and hydralisk vs protoss archons and stalkers dont seem so horrible to fight agenst. hell even use a group of flanked banelings the right way and you should be fine.
06-16-2009 @Kaaraa: That doesn't solve my "problem" at all. That thread is useless for what I'm trying to do even if these were Q&A batches. Stop being a wannabe moderator and just post if you have something to add or just move-on if you don't.
Charge has visual cues? Blink, shields, wings, and Yamato too?! OMFG! You know, besides the obvious lack of new information, the very style of blue posts make me freak out. I've now come to associate 'blue' and 'post' together with blabber about obvious things that everyone knows. That, and the very unique way of them not understanding the question at all. **** ps the mods are slacking
Especially Itsa. However this is a semi good idea of a thread but most of the up to date blue posts are already in the thread Kaaraa provided. And dude seriously don't come onto a board trying to start fights because "Stop being a wannabe moderator and just post if you have something to add or just move-on if you don't." are fighting words buddy. You just got a negative from me. Clean up your act and I will put it back to neutral or hell even positive if your a good member of this forum that has rules and regulations.
battle cruisers have defense matrix? awful. And I think the "visuals" they refer to on upgrades, are not physical visual changes on the unit, but the animation itself :S Blizzard sucks.
TBH, I am glad they don't show visuals on for each upgrade to armor/attack. That would make the units too 'busy'. A simple click and you can find out what you need. Why fix what wasn't broken? Sure, it would be easy to some, but more confusing to most.
Hydralisks tier 1.5 again? Great, I have pleased for that since they placed them as Tier 2.0 (and they have even been 2.5)! But what about Roaches, are they tier 2.0 (2.5) now? Defensive Matrix on BC, thats something I like!
Furrer, don't thank spam posts I was merely responding to Itza and I'm aware that it'll likely be deleted for being off-topic. Maybe I should've posted that in a VM or PM... As for your question, roaches are tier 1.5 I think, if spawning pool > roach warren qualifies as 1.5. The only way I can see hydralisks also being 1.5 is if the den is in the same position as the warren in the tree. However, I do think that that would clutter up the Zerg tech. In my opinion, all the races will have an increasing number of branches or choices they can take as they proceed up the tech tree, like in SC1. Following from this it would only be logical to give few, if not no, choices in the beginning, as it was in SC1 with the only building unlocked by the pool was the den. In SC2 it seems the pool unlocks two buildings, giving Zerg a choice to make too early, especially considering the Zerg's need to fast expand. Hence, either the roach or the hydralisk will be moved up to 2.0 in my opinion, and this will be decided by the final regeneration rate of the roach. If Blizzard goes for a slower one (relative to the latest, which is still extremely fast, mind you), the hydralisk goes up to tier 2.0, and if they choose the faster regeneration rate, then the roach does.
I agree kuvasz, this is how I would like to have the tech tree: 1.0 Hatchery; Pool 1.5 Hydralisk Den; Lair (which unlocks banelings - drop the "Nest", Zerg have more than enough buildings already) 2.0 Roach Den; Lurker Building (which make Lurkers come later than in SC1, therefore balancing the fact that you have the additional choice of banelings and roaches); Spire (thats mutalisks and corruptors right?). Nydus Waren (only Nydus's) 2.5 Hive (unlocked by Nydus Waren) (Unlocks Infesters) 3.0 Ultralisk Cavern; ; Greater Spire!? (or perhaps the Hive just unlocks the abbility to make Broodlords/Swarm Gaurdian from mutalisks). Have i forgotten anything? What do you think about ir?
@Kaaraa, Darth_Bane: If you had bothered to read that link then you would know that that topic is for unofficial answers by Joneagle_X to some of the questions that the StarCraft2Forum.org community had. That's not at all related to blue posts. I would be necrobumping and off-topic posting if I put all of this there. My post and topic were about recent official blue posts given by Blizzard community representatives. That topic hasn't even been updated since April 2008 and is for something completely different. You skip reading and jump straight to complaints and accusation. Who deserves the negative rep?
I don't think a thread like this is such a terrible idea - but if you are going to do it you should probably go the distance and include every blue post (aside from the Q&As) since the blue posts were created. Such a thread (maybe called "Miscellaneous / Non Q&A Blue Posts") could perhaps deserve a sticky?