Medievaldragon, of, has interviewed Christie Golden for the second time, about what we can expect from her second book, Shadow Hunters, which will hit the stores on November 27th. She answers some interesting questions that expand even further what we can expect from SC2. Source: Read an Excerpt from SHadow Hunters:
Had anyone read her books? I don't think females can write interesting sci-fi (fantasy, thrillers - yes), but maybe here's exception.
Hi, I am Medievaldragon - the interviewer. Traffic traker alerted me of this forum thread. The novels are canon. It has been stated by Chris Metzen, Blizzard Creative Director. You can read the SCLegacy Starcraft Lore interview with Chris Metzen. He is who mentions Enslavers campaign and Resurrection IV (Starcraft Nintendo 64) are canon, and that Christie Golden's novel Metzen said this: Metzen: "Adun's fate is one of the most controversial questions in the StarCraft universe. Some say he died a hero, defending his people and blazing like a star. Others say he was a tragic victim of the fear and prejudice that had sprung up between the dark templar and the rest of the Protoss people. Still others say that he burned out, struggling to contain psionic energies far beyond what his body could contain. We do know that some time after his death, a prophecy arose that one day he would return to the Protoss people. If you're interested in further details of Adun's life, you might enjoy the upcoming novel StarCraft: Shadow Hunters by Christie Golden (book 2 of the Dark Templar Saga)." Starcraft: Shadow of the Xel'Naga novel -- released years ago -- is also canon. Events related to the Xel'Naga temple that Archeologist Jake Ramsey is investigating in Starcraft: The Dark Templar trilogy comes straight from Shadow of the Xel'Naga novel. Starcraft: The Dark Templar Trilogy is a prologue, and introduction to the Starcraft II single-player campaigns. In short, this trilogy is a Starcraft II novel. The events of the novel and the game start 4 years after Brood War. Valerian Mengsk is already confirmed to be an NPC in Starcraft II -- who is also one of the main characters of the novel in question. Christie Golden is well known for her 15 Star Trek: Voyager and Generations novels. She wrote Star Trek: Voyager Homecoming. Among her works are Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft, A.D. 999 , Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel, Vampire of the Mists, and she wrote the novelization of Steven Spielberg's Invasion America. As for your quote above concerning fantasy and sci-fi writers, that is very discriminatory. Females have the skills and talent to be interesting sci-fi and fantasy writers. Look at Harry Potter for instance. A list of Women Sci-fi writers: A list of Men and Women Fantasy Authors:
Wow. This sounds exciting. I would definitely read these if I weren't already reading three books for school... :-[ :upset:
Th book does not nescessarily mean a new unit. The Protoss so far are not getting the Vindicator even though it was in Ghost
The Vindicator was a guy with a gun. Hardly a replacement for an artillery unit or mechanical caster. Besides the warp ray and colossus both replace the reaver and I am thinking the star relic will be back