[img width=269 height=124]http://img172.imageshack.us/img172/8225/bcpk8.jpg[/img] The first episode of Blizzcast is finally out! Karune interviews some of the key figures in StarCraft 2 development, such as Samwise Didier (Blizzard art director and concept artist), Drysc (WoW community manager) gives fresh information for World of Warcraft community, and Jeff Kaplan (lead designer of WoW) talks about patch 2.4 and future items updates. Transcript: http://us.blizzard.com/blizzcast/archive/episode1.xml Download: http://us.media.blizzard.com/blizzcast/blizzcast_episode1.mp3 Source: http://us.blizzard.com/blizzcast/
Re: Blizzcast Episode 1 finally released! Awesome, finally. At the end, Karune said that he'll try to interview a few of the Diablo 2 devs in the next blizzcast. I found that interesting, it could mean a future Diablo game.
Re: Blizzcast Episode 1 finally released! Lol it gives nice lore to the Dark Templar, they were forced to adapt to fighting Zerg therfore they have armor and look more bad ass.
Re: Blizzcast Episode 1 finally released! Man diablo 3... it reminds you that we are getting older and older. Remember when I played diablo 1... Times and memories that never went to waste . I can w8 for starcraft 2, I think it will come out November. GG dudes at Starcraft 2 forum.
Re: Blizzcast Episode 1 finally released! so apparently dark templars were assasins because they couldn't come up with something else? fun
Re: Blizzcast Episode 1 finally released! i want the new dark tempalr now i hope they wont change it back. anyway this is blizzcast? boriiiiing. well the QandA batch is better than this first episode of blizzcast. anyway it was nice hearing greats like karune and samwise. ^^
Re: Blizzcast Episode 1 finally released! Boring? The WoW part, perhaps. But the interview with Samwise was amusing.
Re: Blizzcast Episode 1 finally released! Awesome, really enjoyed the Art stuff, i sent some feedback. I sure hope they read mine lol.
Very good, adds a few bits of lore to the dark templar and has some stuff on zerg, and Pandas........ YAY
haha lovely stuff about those wings on the Zergling.. "this is starcraft 2 baby, we don't want to make starcraft in 3d" So damn true.. fed up with ppl who only want the saaaame units looking the saaaame..