As I'm sure all of your senses are very heightened by the timers on both our site and a few other fansites, I'll bring this one to you rather quickly. Blizzard has released BlizzCast 8, and thankfully they've included a StarCraft 2 section. Now, whenever you hear Dustin Browder talking about the game, new information almost always shows up, but this time I feel we may have gotten quite a tidbit, and for that it's hats off to Mr. Browder. Overall, the BlizzCast is very good and has a lot of StarCraft 2 information (but is mostly Diablo 3 info, interesting as always) which mostly focuses on the building warp information. However, I would like to point your attention to a specific passage of this week's BlizzCast: You'll also see some new authority for some of the bigger units in the game. Certainly the carriers have a much longer range than they’ve ever had before. It makes them a very powerful threat from the air in the end game. We should probably see more carriers used in higher level games but obviously will see how that goes in the beta. While I hate to speculate, I do feel this is an indication of just how close StarCraft 2 beta is. Notice he said nothing about "further testing" or "see how it goes." Rather, he suggested the solution is now left in the hands of beta players. StarCraft 2 fans rejoice! With a lack of an announcement of WWI this summer, I see no barrier to beta in the coming months. Anyway, be sure to enjoy the entire BlizzCast 8 here! Source: Discuss this article in the Forum! Credit: Seradin
my epic news posting skills unleashed!! Cool stuff, i love the animation for the protoss, very high techy i could watch it all day
Yeah, if only I had time like I used to ... Oh well, it's about time someone else started posting news. Anyways, the StarCraft 2 information is from 09:29 to 13:30
Thanks for finding this Seradin, and of course Jon for posting this as an article. That's quite a lot to read.
Anyone else have a hard time getting it to play? I spent a good 5-10 minutes trying to get it to play while I was posting the other topic. If you found a way to get it to work (assuming you had a problem) then let me know It might just be that I'm located in America and not Europe.
"Hey everybody!" I just finished reading it all and it was "sort of" good. However, there was nothing really shocking and new to it imo. Fun to see Dustin acting so casual, though. The others are always acting like they are holding a speech or something. Anybody else noticed that they avoided talking about the mothership? It might still be subject to change a lot, since he talked about every strong air unit in a way like it was going to stay that way, except the mothership. Nothing on that. They might have a suprise on that in beta.
RARGH, the flash won't play, and the mp3 wont download. Interesting screenshots though, it looks like they WoWified the skill tree (I prefered when it was an ACTUAL tree like in D2, and the I like the edgy squareness, and the carved in stoner buttons, they fit the goth theme better, WoW buttons belong in a fantasy setting (ie. WoW)) and removed inventory tetris. I dun Play WoW because it sucks, please Blizzard don't turn D3 into WoW. THen YOU would suck.
Seeing as how some people (including me) are having issues playing, would it be possible for someone to type up a transcript of it? i know I personally would appreciate it immensely, as well as I'd wager quite a few others.
Good information on part of Starcraft 2 and diablo 3 and can"t wate to see what the finished art looks like for starcraft 2 (essecially the zerg and the infestor)
I am excited that they are going to look into the Hatchery, Lair and Hive and give them proper designs during the coming weeks.
I couldn't either but then they put it up on the American site and it worked on both severs for me. I'm guessing they had a file upload error or too much bandwidth was being used.
Ooooh, BC has 3 abilities (and i did not misheard it) yamato, shield (never knew) and the missile barrage