What exactly does fraps stand for? btw, I love the new design of the turret, looks much more futuristic.
Yeah I don't know what fraps are either... After you explain it to us, could you change the title of your thread so it doesn't have the acronym/abbreviation? Thanks.
I bring you Fraps http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fraps. Actually that is interesting. But how did you gather they are using Fraps? Because that confuses me a bit. Never mind I see now. Isn't lower FPS (Frames Per Second) creating lag in a video? Since 30 is the average in all 20 is below average.
im still not sure how this fraps stuff works....but as long as 20 fraps doesnt lag..then its all good =]
Fraps is a well known video recorder with a free trial period. It is widely used by video creators, especially for games because it uses relatively little resources from your computer. And don't let that nubmer 20 fool you - it could be limited to that by fraps or SC for that matter. You can also speed up footages while you're editing your video so... the FPS you're recording at doesn't really matter. Also, SC could be on slow speed and if they wanted to demonstrate normal speed or fast, they'd just speed up the thing and you'd have a smooth video anyway.
Why wouldn't they use a benchmarking tool? If it helps Blizzard set the caps and measure frame rates then that means they are really working to get StarCraft II up to par! Also if it helps in regards to the minimum system requirements for installation of the game, I really do not mind what they use! Also I remember someone pointing this out before... or maybe I am just imagining things...
no i don't think they use fraps, most game developers use their own tools, for example, you can access the console in farcry, and enable the fps to be displayed at the screen, so no, blizzard is probably using their own methods to measure the fps, and why in the hell would they use a computer with less than a 8800 ultra? not to mention sli, I'm pretty sure they have powerfull machines to create 3d units and so.