(sorry if this has been posted before, kinda just popped into my head) I use to be a WoW guy, and as a WoW guy, you learn to dread Tuesdays. Its maintenance day, even more so you learn to dread Tuesdays that release new content, even a few fixes and additions. Seeing as Battle.net now holds WoW and SC2 together, and seeing during beta that when WoW was down, SC2 was down, Tuesday is a dreadful day now for both RPG and RTS. Now seeing that WoW has has many many maintenance problems in the past 5 years, and not even a sign of progression on the blizzard team to reduce the down time (granted a couple of Tuesdays there were no maintenance), I dont think Blizzards servers will fully handle a massive wave of people logging on one hour after another. I for see SC2 not being even playable till 11 AM Pacific time, because SC2 requires online play
i read /crryyyyyy I read this on the wow forums (lol wow) Original: http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.html?topicId=26262617689&postId=262601746890&sid=1#0
Please oh blizzard just let me ping your servers and i'll be out of your way playing singleplayer. I don't even want to be connected to my achievements they can wait!
I'm sure they've got new and improved servers to go with their new and improved battlenet. But I am a little amused that most of the team have flown out around the world for the midnight launch parties. So if something goes wrong then none of them will be there to fix it!!!