I was thinking about entering the Global Writing Contest that Blizzard is hosting. I like writing and it'll give me something to do over the summer. The only thing is that I had one problem, I don't know much of the lore for Starcraft, or any other Blizzard game, at all. Do you think incorporating the lore that has already been created will be important in the competition? Or will I be able to stray away from the storyline and just create a different story in the world of Starcraft? I doubt anyone knows that actual answer to this, but I'm just asking for what people expect. Reading through the winners of last year's contest it seemed like a lot of them used actual characters from the plotline and/or continued the plotline. But I'd rather do something like a group of Marines fighting some battle somewhere unrelated to the lore. I don't plan on writing about that actual idea but do you get what I'm saying? Thanks in advance for any help.