In a long-awaited move, Blizzard announced that they have banned 5,000 cheaters and hackers yesterday from the StarCraft 2 service. According to official conversations with Blizzard, this means players affected by the ban will have their suspected accounts suspended, including restricting access for the players to any games associated with that account. Now players can rest easy knowing that those hackers they met a few weeks ago aren't still out there hacking. And at least it will cost them another $50 to try it again. However, with the large number of bans taking place (5,000 at one time is a lot, don't you think) it's clear that hacking is quite rampant. Hopefully the next round of bans will come quicker. Could we hope for once a week? That would significantly curb players' appetite for hacking. Mpa hack on!!1 Source:
Woot! About time Blizzard kicked some ***, literally. Now let's hope they can keep swinging that banhammer at a steady pace, since I got the feeling 5000 is only just the beginning. =/
You know 50 dollars is not the same amount for everyone. I'm sure there will be cheaters who will just buy another copy, which is sad. I wonder if the TOS allowed for Blizzard to post their real names... now that would achieve something. And you know, if they complain then Blizzard can just shrug and say no one forced them to cheat and point at the fact that nobody owns their copy of the game, so they basically hacked Blizzard's property software.
5000 bans hardly shows that cheating is "rampant" as was suggested above. You have to consider how many people play Starcraft 2. For example, from 1960 to 1996, an average of 18,504 people were murdered in the USA per year. Yes, it's sad, but we have hundreds of millions of people in the USA, so murder is not considered "rampant" in the US. If anything, 5000 is probably a very small percentage of the cheaters.
It´s as much that they are beginning to ban people, as the amount of people they ban. If i were cheating, i would be feeling quite paranoid. Like, am i in the next banwave?
While I don't believe I have played vs anyone yet using cheats or hacks, 5000 baned seems like a very small number. :/ meh
Where can I report these users? I just lost to a cheater. I saved the replay, but the blizzard hack report form seems a bit outdated, when you select a game SC2 is not even listed there. Is there some other form I'm missing? Eric
It's very good to see they will continue to ban, but it is not a permanent fix as people will keep cheating. New CD keys required for those who were affected. I think banning people is similar to releasing mini-expansion packs.