BlizShouter / Crota

Discussion in 'Space Junk' started by kuvasz, Apr 15, 2010.

BlizShouter / Crota

Discussion in 'Space Junk' started by kuvasz, Apr 15, 2010.

  1. kuvasz

    kuvasz Corrections Officer

    Jul 26, 2007
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    I initially felt like posting this in the Lounge or something but then I ended up realising this is more of a mild rant than anything constructive, so yeah.

    I've cut down on entertainment for having more important things to do but lately I've been coming home, loading a few commentaries on Youtube and having my lunch at the table opposite. Sort of like watching TV. Before establishing this habit I checked out a few commentators, obviously, to see which ones are worth watching. I stuck with Crota for the simple reason that he uploads commentaries the fastest (at least from what I can tell). From his countless videos I've seen I have drawn my conclusion.

    He is the worst SC2 commentator. Sure, it might be argued that complete no-name amateurs are worse, but I have to disagree. Yes, Crota commentaries have good sound and picture quality. But show me another commentator who
    • regularly mixes up unit names and mechanics
    • uses particular for just about anything
    • thinks a single unit can "focus-fire"
    • chokes on his own tongue and/or saliva from speaking too fast
    • blames his lag on the beta client while nobody else has that problem
    • says everything twice with different words (e.g., "that hatchery just finished building, so that hatchery is up and running"...)

    I've come to dislike his work so much that I feel physical pain when I hear his voice and his annoying use of English. I just wish Rise or HD had more time to create commentaries. I've recently started watching Rise's not-so-live streams because I much prefer blotches of colours and outstanding commentary than quality video and... well, nonsense blabbering.
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2010
  2. Matte

    Matte New Member

    Feb 16, 2010
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    i like crota he makes me smile but u make me sadface :( now BASTERD sniff ;(
  3. theshadow

    theshadow Guest

    Saw this thread and just had to sign up and say how much I agree. The amount of times he stutters and says things like "at this stage in the game right now" is ****ing ridiculous, they're just filler phrases with no meaning. He also sounds like he's drooling and sucking it back into his mouth at points.

    And what's with his PC freezing so much? There's no point in being a shoutcaster if your PC is a piece of crap. People only like him because he provides SC2 footage for those who aren't in the beta and if he thinks he'll actually become a well-known commentator then he's out of his mind.

    Also, anything negative said on his videos is immediately buried as "spam" by his legion of fanboys. :rolleyes:
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 15, 2010
  4. Matte

    Matte New Member

    Feb 16, 2010
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    pfft dont flame the legion of fanboys they are glorious!
  5. Lobsterlegs

    Lobsterlegs Guest

    Are you saying crota is bad? Don't watch him.
    How bout that commentator who acutally CHEATS?
  6. Rave

    Rave New Member

    Feb 21, 2010
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    The guy sounds like the stereotypical nerd (choking on saliva etc. as mentioned) but he is a freaking retard, he keeps making excuses when his comp freezes (at least once a match) because he refuses to admit how ****ty it is, and to take it off ultra settings. For god sake if it freezes on ultra, take it off the settings.
  7. peachykeen

    peachykeen Guest

    Have you checked out his videos recently? I think they have improved a lot. No more lagging, no more cracking and popping on the mic. And personally I think that his stuttering has improved. Gotta give the man credit for trying to improve despite his lack of natural talent =P
  8. Kaaraa

    Kaaraa Space Junkie

    Sep 19, 2007
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    United States
  9. sc2fan

    sc2fan New Member

    Oct 3, 2010
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    Sorry for the bump, but I've been watching this dude's videos for a while now and wanted some other people's opinions on him. I think he's improved a bit. He's basically the only "shoutcaster" I can bare listening to; HDStarcraft sounds like he has this ****-eating grin on his face the entire time he's talking, and the others are just irritating.
  10. kuvasz

    kuvasz Corrections Officer

    Jul 26, 2007
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    Interesting - I never thought about HD like that. I think he grins like that on camera because he's a bit nervous since he's not used to being shown. I don't think he has that grin when he's commentating.

    I don't know many commentators but most of those are indeed irritating. And I just gave crota another chance 10 minutes ago and I killed it off after I got fed up with him mixing up numbers, names and prepositions in one of his recent videos, so I don't see any improvement at all. Commentating should be left to native speakers.