Not sure where I'm supposed to post this but anyhow...does any of you have any experience with Blender 3D?
im into the 3D arts hoping to get a career in the video game industry, im familiar with Imagine3D and Lightwave, i think ill look into this program more it seems interesting and i might just try it out. edit: after a few minutes of messing with it i dont really like it but if your proficent in it stick with it, its very difficult to control the objects or edit them.. i would recommend lightwave or imagine3D over this any day, imagine for simple constructions and lightwave for more advanced animation creation and object creation. Imagine3D Lightwave
I haven't had much experience with Blender 3D, but i've tried Lighwave. It's a cool software to use, but my knowledge hampers the full extent to which i can enjoy it.
same here ^^, and same here also, when i first tested it, i was thinking "WTF should i do to control this damn thing"