Happened once when I was away then while I was browsing (known websites that never gave me problems), everything's going okay then suddenly screen turns black and that's it. It doesn't turn off, just the screen's black and I can't do anything. Screen is still on, not on standby and turning that on/off doesn't do anything. Didn't have anything with sound on at the time so I don't know about that, but I know I was kicked out of LoL, so it may be full freeze. Anyone has any idea what might be the cause? It happened twice today, never before. I didn't install or do anything new today, have plenty of free space on both drives. Running antivir now, just in case.
is your screen new? sometimes my screen "burns out" and it goes black while, my screen was around 3 years old
It's around that old too, but I don't think just screen would freeze everything else. Just got another one, except this time it went all white. I'm also certain I got disconnected from teamspeak while it was like that.
Hrm. IJffdrie votes for a virus you picked up while perusing illegal game downloads. Lenga votes for a virus you picked up while perusing porn. Ramses votes for do a virus scan and run Ccleaner on your register. Nope, don't have any specific answers.
i vote for Not A VI-RUS. the part about teamspeak is rather disturbing tho... freezing doesnt have much to do with sound imo (from personal experience with laptop, laptop 2, desktop, android phones...) on/off doesnt do anything? i think the only thing we can assume from this is a hardware malfunction (your monitor i mean) unless its a virus that can hack your stuff and make it un-turn-off-able. Which would be awesome cuz it can play a video of your worst nightmare and then you cant turn it off (muahahahahaha!!!). as for teamspeak, maybe coincedence cant really say mcuh cuz i dont know enuff about the circumstances good luk
A virus isn't entirely out of the question, but there could be other causes. How long has it been since you've updated the drivers for your video card? How old is the card? They don't go out very often, but it does happen. Try running the ever-trusty MalwareBytes on full scan and update your video drivers if they're available.
the on/off button doesnt work. therefore its either a coincidence, he didn't notice the on/off button not working, a highly-advanced virus (esp. since it can target old hardware), or it's not a virus. Of course a virus isn't completely out of the question.