twice today, was playing Storm of the Imperial Sanctum, the screen went black but i cud see and move my cursor and hear the music. first time, ctlr alt del, and alt tab did nothing. second time, i cud ctrl alt del. i did so, brought up task manager, bringing me to my desktop, from where i reopened sc2, and it worked. i died tho -.- so wtf. everything normal, then this happens. oh, and im overclocking with msi afterburner to highest values. when this happens, its like msi was turned off. I think it may be overclocking prob but ive been using msi for a couple weeks now, so wtf ms says: max temp "70" Max i ever saw b4 was like 74
Underclock it back to its original values. It's been proven time and time again SCII does not like overclocked components.
You forgot to address the fact that i've been Overclocking it for quite some time. underclocked it a bit, not back to original tho I can play sotis at ultra textures, everything else cept CPU effects of high, cpu effects on ultra. ~16 fps at full load