Yeah so Big game hunters was one of the most popular maps back in SC1, anyone know (havent checked custome games on b-net) if they have made this map for SC2?? and if so is it just for custom games or dose anyone think they will incorporate it into the ladder matches?? Discuss
I don't believe they will implement it into the ladder system. Although I believe it has been made, don't know if it is out on actual release, but it was definitely their during beta.
I am fairly certain I have seen a BGH map while scrolling through the custom maps list, but I think Blizzard will never, EVER implement it in to ladder.
Yeah i figured it wouldn't ever be included in the ladder, i will just look around on the custom games and play it there ... it would certainly be a narly 4v4 ladder map though haha
oh yeah .. well BGH cant stand you!!! ... jk . Its not that bad of a map, not much strategy to it but hey .. tis always fun to mass build
I never understood games that A) weren't excessively fun and B) had no strategy. If you don't have either of those things, why are you based off of an RTS game?