The Join the Dominion thing says the last prize they reveal will be the best. They claim their counter thing on the main page is going based on how many clicks they get on facebook, etc. But if you are smart enough to keep an eye on the # of likes and such, you'll find that there is no general correlation. The # has not grown by any significant number since it started, yet the token has gone up by 5% daily like clockwork. Doing the math, 5% per day (roughly) puts the Dominion thing ending on July 6, hence the last prize comes July 6. Blizzard posters have been quoted as saying the Beta will return in early July. (also, it would be dumb of them to re-start it on the 4th of July weekend, as it would undoubtedly lower the # of participants, or at least how much they could participate). Hence I deduce, the beta will return on Tuesday, July 6.
Interesting theory. It would depend on if it continues to rise at 5% daily though. I thought the facebook clicks and what not were bull**** too. A mod may want to rename this thread as it isn't exactly an official announcement and raises false hope. Not saying westy is wrong, but I know I was thinking this was real news when I saw it.
Well to be fair it's also based off "taking the entrance exam, and submitting original propaganda posters in the art contest" But hey if the last thing is phase 2 they'd have to control it since blizz would never have a beta date controlled by something like this haha.
hey i like the way you think. Looking at it again, im starting to agree. I mean...what else could be better than re-opening of BETA?? Blizzard has nothing else to give to us.
Hmm, you could be right. Kind of sneaky from blizz to pretend we control how fast the bar goes if you are right.
The return of beta doesn't sound too feasible to me either. We've already had a lot of beta play, and we already know that it's returning in July. Pinpointing (and releasing it on) the date of the return isn't exactly a surprise. I mean, I know I wouldn't be overjoyed about finding out what colour the wrapping paper will be on my Christmas present. Could it be non-SC related? I'm thinking a 5th class for D3. Or that an SC film is planned. The returning beta just doesn't fit their hype-raising description.
I want a movie. A movie. A MOVIE. A MOVIE THAT WILL BE SO EPICLY DIPPED IN AWESOMESAUCE THAT ONLY I CAN OUTSHINE IT IN ALL ITS GLORIOUS AWESOMESAUCINESS. you know, a movie a clip similar to the intro for sc: ghost . :yes:
The percentage increases seems to be slowing down. Also, the jumps aren't exactly 5% each time. I think Blizzard measures progress daily or every several days, which would explain why we're not seeing 1% increases. The propaganda contests ends on July 8th, though, so I'm wondering if Blizzard will just drive the numbers to ensure they reach 100% by then anyway. Total speculation, but I bet the last thing will be a video. (Combine art and sound, of course.)
Rumors on some of the pro-gamer websites have said that the beta has already released for some specific korean computer cafe (apparently a partner of Blizzards), and that the beta will re-open for everyone else on July 1st. Again its just a rumor and you know how those things go... but I guess we'll find out in about a day anyways. Either way, shouldn't be more than another week or so.