Best strategy for this level. . . ??

Discussion in 'StarCraft 2 Strategy Discussion' started by Kmart23, Aug 1, 2010.

Best strategy for this level. . . ??

Discussion in 'StarCraft 2 Strategy Discussion' started by Kmart23, Aug 1, 2010.

  1. Kmart23

    Kmart23 Guest

    I actually didn't play the original, so you may want to ban me for that offence alone.

    If not, this is my first post, so please hear me out.

    I am playing on hard, as normal is just waaaaay too easy, but have managed to get a little stuck on one level.

    It is the level where you can either choose to help the cute scientist chick or the weird looking alien dude.

    Of course, I white knighted the stupid cute scientist chick hoping to get into her pants at some stage later in the game, but now I am stuck saving the colonies.

    I can get really close, but always seem to run out of time. I have gotten as far as to destroy their third base, but never seem to have enough man power left to destroy the rest of them before they lay some serious smack down on the last colony.

    What is the best strategy for this level??

  2. madman

    madman New Member

    Jul 31, 2010
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    If i remember rightly you start off with a number of units, what i done was send them off to defeat the bases early before they built a resistance then whilst im doing that i trained a huge army of vikings, this may sound stupid but it works (you will loose a few buildings whilst you sending your early army).

    Also send one viking in when u first attack the mother so it waste's it's wormhole thingy then attack with the rest.

    hope this helps :D
  3. shadowkire

    shadowkire New Member

    Aug 1, 2010
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    At the beginning of the game, after sending your SCVs to collect resources, take your three starting vikings to the nearby nexus, destroy the phase prisms and colossus before landing on the high ground near the nexus, where the vikings will have enough range to shoot at it. Bam, one out of three in just a few minutes.
  4. Kmart23

    Kmart23 Guest

    I actually managed to figure this out on my first attempt, but thanks for the heads up.

    I ended up completing the level, but I had to let the colonies first 2 colonies get wiped out.

    The way I completed it is with the fire buggy guys and the vikings.
    I attacked the most distant bast first with a pretty huge army. I did this because the other two bases are not well protected. I had enough of an army to destroy the third base, and then quickly repaired my units and went after the first and second. While I was doing this I built a heap of anti-aircraft units near my base so when the defense shield finally got taken down, I was able to easily able to take out the mother ship.

    Took me well over 10 attempts to do it though.

    Not looking forward to playing multi-player. It will be rough.
  5. XenophobicPanda

    XenophobicPanda New Member

    Jul 21, 2010
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    The second time through the campaign I have been focusing on getting all of the achievements. I stalled this colony mission until I had siege tanks. My basic strategy was to pump out a few siege tanks, take two with me and my small starting force and set them up out of range of the cannons and then draw their ground troops into my firing range while using the vikings to take out the small amount of air units. I don't believe I even lost anything on the first nexus. Then I immediately send this force to the second nexus where I repeat the same strategy and at the same time continually pump out vikings to deal with the protoss carriers. I then converge my forces on the third nexus, including vikings and then head straight towards the mothership. I had no difficulties completing the mission with at least two settlements left.
  6. Kmart23

    Kmart23 Guest

    wow. very nice.