Hey, im looking for a race that gibve me possibilities to early rush, early offensive game. I dont like to build up economy etc. What is Your proposition. I played Zerg so far, and its seems like its week at that role,
Terran, reapers - they're the fastest unit that can not be stopped by merely blocking. And they do decent damage. ________ hot penny stocks
Don't like to build up economy? I'm sorry to say that this game isn't for you then. Zerg does have the best early rushes, with roaches, zerglings, and banelings being very good early on. But as you found out, against someone equally skilled, usually it isn't possible to win the game early on, no matter how hard you try. Usually the best you can hope for is to use your early rush to get kills on the enemy workers, putting you economically ahead and in a better position to win a longer macro game.
supply depot + barracks: your plan has been foiled. prepare to actually play the game. but yeah, reapers are more guaranteed than zerglings. they're pretty fragile though. maybe if you bring along an SCV to build a bunker... that sometimes works.
But almost never will. ^_^ Most bunkers are placed so poorly. You can often ignore them, then later melt them with some air or higher tier units.
Depends on what you mean by early. If you're looking to just recycle the same kind of rush strat over and over for games that end in the first few minutes, then your options are mostly: Zerg: 6 pool rushes Terran: Reaper rushes (especially building your Rax with your scouting SCV) or Marine/Marauder/SCV (for bunker) rushes Protoss: Cannon rushes and forward-built Gateways using chrono boost for the rush If you don't mind strategies still aimed during the early game but a bit later then there are plenty of other options too (Roach builds, speed/baneling rush builds, fast muta, terran drops of all sorts, etc).
If you have no interest in the economy, then this game is truely not for you. Please purchase Counter-Strike and leave the forums. If you aren't going to try to play the game its meant to be played then don't play it at all.
Two rushes I used so far are: Early reaper rush: 1. Build barracks at 9 worker 2. Get gas going before your first barracks is built, you need 25 gas and have 50 gas to get 1st reaper. You need to scout his base before 1st reaper is build so you do not waste time. Put the rally point of the barracks in his base and build 1-2 more reapers. Build workers and supply to get ahead economically while you harrass. Against most average and some better players this is a win, you just need to micro your reaper well in his base and not get him killed stupidly. This rush can be stopped by good players that scouted you in time. Also works a bit worse against terrans as their early unit is ranged (marine) or they can get their own reaper out and their reaper does not need to travel far. Zerg 6 pool rush: This rush so far I managed to do 100% successfully. So far I found none able to stop me. Well I haven't tried it on another zerg. 1. Do not build drones, but get enough for pool. 2. Build drones to 7 while you wait for the pool to finish. 3. Build 6 lings and put the rally point in the enemy base. 4. Build Overlord and build more lings as soon as you can. 5. At one point you will be out of larva but will have enough to build a queen (do so). 6. 1 more overlord, spawn larva and more zerglings. If facing terran use the scouting drone to block the entrance so he cannot complete the wall in. By the time he kills your drone your 6 zerlings should be in his base. Most important rule here is to not lose those 1st 6 zerglings before 4 more arrive. Try to kill what you can, workers, marines, zealots, drones, pylons (this 1st if you see him having only one next to his gateway. If he went economy you can kill the pylon before his 1st zealot comes out. Also this will make him come at you with probes with is a perfect time to kill them, but do not drop under 4 zergling before reinforcement arrives. This tactic is so effective if done properly that I got bored and stopped doing it (now I only do it when I get owned a few games in a row by terran and toss to blow of some steam )
Thanks for advices I biuld my own versions of zerling rushes with some varations the worst thing is good scouting from enemy, then he have enough time to prepare defense hovever i try out some reapers strats
Yeah, they're easily stopped... but they're the only unit that isn't stopped by a block. I get 2 cannon towers. The truth is.... if you're only an early game player, good luck getting past silver. ________ buy mflb
I find the best rushes are mid-game rushes. To do that you need to have good macro and timings though. Try this one by Protoss and see how it works out for you... Start probe and send 6 probes to minerals. Take one of the probes that returns and send it out towards your opponent's base. Put a pylon as close to your opponent's base as possible without them being able to scout it when they send their worker or overlord out. 9 Gateway, probe, 10 gateway, pylon. Then chrono zealots out and hope you win. I wouldn't recommend this against Terran because their wall kind of makes it lame. Against Protoss walls you can just aim for their gateway/pylon and it shouldn't be too difficult to bust in and kill them. Against Zerg it's all about their zergling/queen timing and micro. If they are Terran maybe you can try some kind of zealot/stalker pressure build or something. IDK. Or you could just 9gate 9gate and cut the extra probe. I guess it doesn't matter too much lol.
This is a tactic that will only work on bad players. This tactic is easily stopped by Zerg with 1-2 towers in the middle of the drones and a queen. After that roaches come out, creep tumor is put down to engulf the whole of area (so stalkers lose the speed advantage) and 6 zergling will be moving toward your unguarded probes in your base. After that it is a simple matter of finishing off what you built near my base. And if you put down cannons to guard your base you will not have enough units to stop me from killing your gateway and pylon near my base.
If you want a reliable way to win games fast try learning 4 warpgate timings. If you get a good timing you will annihilate people very fast. I played 6 random non-ladder matches and went 6-0 with game lengths of no more than 6ish minutes each. Also it is a strong strategy even for top platinum ladder. Just make sure you focus the bulk of your attention on producing stalkers. Zealots and sentrys are great for evening out your mineral/gas ratio and for supporting your stalkers. And for Zerg the 8pool pressure build is pretty hard to stop. Not sure now that roaches are 2 psi though...
Protoss cannon opening counters this. I just wrote about it in the other thread about defending early zerg rush.