90% of terran players go for the MMM build (marine maruader medivac). Knowing what combo to counter this is extremely important. I've been going zealot stalker collosi with maybe 1sentry for guardian sheild. Should I add some immortals in the mix? Or maybe some high templars for storms?
HTs are awsome against MMM, if he gets ghosts in the mix you might wanna reduce HTs and get more colossi instead. If he has many marauders and few marines then immortals are generally a good idea, though zealots tank marauder damage equally well, while costing less and allowing for more colossus production time for your robos. Should he add vikings to the mix, then you might wanna increase your HT s and decrease colosi. It's kinda dynamic... Try to keep tabs on what he has and respond accordingly...
mass zealot!!! zealots counter both marines and marauders so if you flank with them they are screwed and maybe you can mix in some colossus aswell just to deal extra damage
One of the best possible combos would be Colossi with extended range, Zealots with Charge, and phoenix to combat vikings. Stalkers are pretty terrible against MMM, so try to limit them as much as possible. Their main use is to kill medivacs and vkikings, but if you have phoenix, you will longer really need many stalkers. High templars are great as well, but Colossi are already pretty gas intensive, so in my experience it's hard to get both HTs and Colossi.
Do phoenixes really counter vikings? It's the second thread i see that statement, but for me it seems they'd die before they could get in range. Phoenixes do damage to light and vikings are armored and phoenix mobility is countered by viking range. For me the best protoss air counter to viking is void ray.
Phoenix don't necessarily counter vikings, but they are good against them. Phoenix do extra damage vs light, but vikings do extra damage vs armored. Neither receives their bonus when fighting. Phoenix beat Vikings in a 1v1 battle, as they have more hit points. Remember tho the point of the phoenix in this unit composition is to protect the vikings. If the vikings are forced to run from the phoenix, they've done their job keeping the colossi alive. an.. as a matter of fact.. void rays are countered BY vikings.
In big numbers vikings have a disadvantage of overkilling their targets due to their attacking animation, while phoenixes do not... Add to this the fact that a phoenix can kill a viking with relative ease while only costing 25 more gas and it's pretty apparent that phoenixes are quite good against vikings... The range superiority is actually negated by phoenix speed since the only thing it provides is volley as an oppener. The option to engage or not and to retreat or not is on the phoenix's hands due to the huge speed bonus... The viking range makes them excellent againsst slow units like carriers, void rays, bcs... These you can keep out of range and kite indeffinitely with a much smaller viking force...
So-so. You need to keep the colossi out of range of the marauders, so you need the range upgrade. Colossi is armored, so marauders do tons of damage and can easily kill them quickly if stimmed. Marauders can deal with most toss ground, so if he is marauder heavy, phoenix or VR could be useful, though I haven't tried this.
Zealots beat the crap out of marauders. But you need force fields or charge, preferably both... They only take 10 dmg per shot allowing them to tank tons of rauder damage, and deal back 14/hit. Something that's quite underused but also not easy to pull off is sandwitching MM balls. Split your zealot army in 2, and have part of it hidden somewhere so you can flank them when they come and have zealots act as force fields instead. With a couple colossi to back you up you've got yourself an easy win. Also against T upgrade armor first, unless going for fast colossi where you get the most out of your damage upgrade...
Try Dark Templars mid-late game unless you've got something that works better for you. Unless, for some reason, they have nearby missile turrets, you should be good. Worked for me against Marines/Firebats/Medics in SC 1. Also, if you get base attacked (which is what I assume you need help with, right?) 2 words: PHOTON CANNONS. That, and decent-good micro with the DTs, maybe some Immortals for good measure.