yes, both are over 35 years old, were born in the united states or present in it at it's creation, and have been living in America for the past 5 years
i agree with this, and i support the dinosaur. Also question to the rest of you, would you vote for the first cyborg president no matter what his campagin was for?
no, i wouldn't, campaign matters. Also, irregular webcomic gets crazier the further i get in the archives. At this point Spoiler the mythbusters, a pizza delivery boy, Steve Erwin, a bunch of roleplayers in a fantasy setting, a bunch of roleplayers in a sci-fi setting, the mythbusters from the past, the writer of the comic, the writer of the comic from the future , martian invaders, hitlers brain in a jar and the clones of hitlers brain in a jar destroy the universe all at once which in turn leads to:
Would someone with time travel technology be able to travel to the creation of the US and be eligible to become president?
No I mean, would you be able to travel back, so you are present, and then forward so you can still be elected.
I do not support democracy, I support zerg monarchy where one leader conquers all other races and has an army read to destroy all in their paths
You are getting predictable Arzgoth. I did mention US in the title though. And the zerg aren't a monarchy(at least, not in the state you like them) -_-