So, this famous russian city has gone through many names throughout the last few decades. But which do you think sounds cooler? st. petersburg, petrograd, or leningrad
St Petersburg I don't like. Leningrad does sound nice, and is the most culturally significant. But Petrograd sounds the most Russian, and has the most history. Being English I think cities should keep their historical names and not change them, so I vote for Petrograd. I don't remember much Russian history, but didn't Petrograd used to be the capital before Moskva? And wasn't the city relocated south of where it originally stood? If that's the case, I think the old city should keep the original name (if it still exists), and new city should have a new name.
actually I thought the original name was sankt petersburg, which was renamed petrograd, which was renamed leningrad, which was renamed sankt petersburg
Yeah, Saint Petersburg was renamed Petrograd at the start of WWI because it sounded German, then to Leningrad after his death.