I'm a total noob on the techno front and I'm in the process of getting a computer for SC2 and I'd just like to know if the following specs will be enough for max performance at 1680 x 1050 resolution: 2.8 GHz core i7 (8MB cache) 4GB DDR3 RAM MSI N250-GTS 1GB GDDR3 Also, would running it on high performance interfere with the gameplay online? Thanks in advance.
Those specs are more than enough and graphics settings do not affect online play except for loading times at the beginning. Maybe there's a small lag on ultra during the first 2 seconds of your first match.
Running the graphics on "high" would/could interfere with gameplay in that the higher graphics levels include more flashy, often distracting, elements. Pros normally play on Medium settings. It's just easier to see small details on a lower graphics setting.
This belongs in computers and tech. The game should play great at those settings, but you may want to read my guide on the 9800GTX/GT250 after getting the game to see how "recommended" driver tweaks.