Hello mates! I got my beta-key somedays ago, and for somedays I've been getting pretty... Err.. Slaughtered I am not a newbie in RTS games, but seems Starcraft series ( wich I played the first title long time ago ) are very very very much fast paced than the others. So I started playing with Terran, but I need some questions answered. 1- Should I buy Refineries ASAP in the start-game? 2- How much barracks should I have per expansion? 3- Should I expand ASAP in the start-game aswell? 4- Ghosts... Overrated? 5- Should I get marines, marines, marines, and more marines, with stimpack and the upgrades asap aswell? I welcome more tactics, and tips, and all you have to say Greetings from a fellow player from Portugal!
I know like almost nothing about Terran, buuuuut... 2. My brudder does 2 if his economy can support it. 4. Not against Protoss. Against T or Z, a nuke here and there NEVER hurt 5. I think the standard ground bio attack is Marines, Marauders, and Medivacs.
1. Definitely not. Get them after your barracks, otherwise you are losing minerals for a resource that you aren't going to use until later. 2. I'd say 2-3 unit producing buildings per expansion should be about right. If you are having trouble using all your resources quickly (aka your mineral and gas count go above 1500), don't be afraid to make more. 3. Definitely not. You need about 6 units or so and possibly a bunker out in front before it's safe enough to get an expo. Another good idea is scout the enemy with an SCV, and if he's making tons of units then you should do the same, even if that means no expo. 4. Ghosts are amazing against protoss, a few EMP rounds and all their shields go away, cutting their HP in half. 5. The standard terran bio build is marines, mauraders and medivacs. But if you can get those in large enough numbers, research everything for them (stims, marine shields, marauder shells) and use the medivacs smartly to drop them on the enemy, then it's pretty devastating and will likely win you games just doing that. Of course don't forget to actually use the stims (select all your marines and marauders and press T once).
Thanks a lot everyone, I got it now and I am ready to slaughter them up. Just another question: 1- Does anybody knows a tactic to get out of work faster? God damn still 8 hours left! haha! Cheers and thanks again, see you on the battlefield
1. Refinery construction will be different depending on your build. If you plan to do something like a mech or harassment build such as Hellions->Banshees you will want two refineries up very quickly. If going something more standard such as a MMM bio ball, you can wait a bit to make your second refinery. 2.. The number of Barracks you have depends entirely on your build and what your opponent is doing. If you're running a standard MMM build, 2-3 Barracks per expansion is good. 3. Fast expanding as Terran at the moment against Protoss is pretty risky with an Immortal timing attack. If you want to FE though, make sure to actively scout so you can make any bunkers if necessary. If you scout your opponent fast expanding it's safe for you to do so as well. 4. Ghosts' EMP was nerfed but is still a valuable unit in TvP matchups to get rid of shields. Nukes are also cheap and easily accessible in SC2 and are a great way to harass your opponent. 5. If you mass any unit, Marines included, and your opponent scouts it, they will beat you. Marauders are great to mix in to absorb damage and slow enemy units. Also, a dose of ipecac will probably get you out of work.
1- definitely no 2- in my part i would`t build barracks per expansion (well i`m surprised you want to do that) depends on how you want to produce units faster which is 2 - 3 units (3 barracks will do) 3- hmmmm it depends on how you feel it, you gamble to much that your enemy might attack you early and you don`t have any resources or units but if you do not encountered a rush then you`ll be fine >_< 4- well if you think you`re good and have advantage to do it why not?, good for protos enemy unit 5- if you want to do that badly add some marauders + medevac >_< lol
Most important things... 1. Never stop producing workers. Constant stream of worker production. Stop making workers once you have like 80 or something. 2. Spend your cash. Don't let it build up a bunch. Spend it on buildings, technology, units, expansions--anything but letting it build up and do nothing. 3. Use your units wisely. Don't waste them in battles. Be patient...attack when you're ready and the opponent seems vulnerable. The rest is strategy, tactics, micro/macro. Strategy you'll learn slowly...plenty of resources. Tactics you don't need to worry about too much until you're reaching strategic mastery. Micro/macro you'll develop as you play more. Follow the priorities I gave you...your #1 priority should be mastering worker production. Even if it means you don't get **** in a game, make sure you fulfill that condition. Once you get better at it you'll start to learn to spend your money while you do it...which is your second priority. The third one is common sense and you'll get good with it by touch and feel. Once you master those 3 things, and learn the basic strategies, you're already a competent player.
Ummm yes you should build lots of workers but 80 is overkill, the ideal number is 22 per expansion, 6 on gas and 16 on minerals. After that the benefit of extra workers tapers off rapidly. Of course it's still a good idea to get a few extra so that when you get an expo, you can transfer some workers to it right away and still have plenty left at your main.
hi there ... im totally newbie with this SC2. I mean where to find the other races to choose from? I done, meaning finish the terran mission, or campaign u call it. so now i thought i wanna try as the Zerg or as the Protoss BUT I CANNOT FIND WHERE THE OPTION TO CHOOSE FROM. Sorry bout the caps.. but really frustrating. im stuck with terran. at least i wanna see the option to play against the AI .. u know like the 1st starcraft. I choose the race. I choose the map to play on and choose how many races to fight and play all day long. i am done with the campaign. I just wanna fight using the map. i saw the option to fight the AI .. but nothing there. empty. ??? Pls help thanks.
If you are looking for a Protoss and Zerg campaign... I'm afraid there isn't any yet. This episode of Starcraft 2 only features the Terran campaign. But you can play Protoss and Zerg against AI, and against other players in multiplayer quick match games.
thanks RushSecond.. appreciate the info. ok, about the multiplayer quick match.. do i have to go online or can it be on offline?? offline is better for me. bad connection all the time here. Pls tell me it can be played offline thanks in advance.
hi guys, I have two noobie questions, wondering if anyone can help me with: 1. as Zerg player, if i choose to upgrade the armor and when upgrade complete, will all the existing units receive the upgrades? or only apply to the future units I am going to produce? 2. is there a fast short-cut key for me to find out how many workers is working for one expension? 3. can I add all the in-production units into existing group, say, group 1? any help would be appreciated... as a beginner without SC1 experience I felt like I need knowledge badly!
yes. no. dont beleive so. yes you can play ofline hit play vs AI then chose map then click the +Ai button and done