hey everyone as the title suggests im looking for a beginner friendly race to play as in multiplayer when my game is ready tomorrow. i was thinking the terran would be the best but the zerg are just SO cool, what do you think? also what do i have to do so that my posts dont have to go through the mods on this forum
I would guess terran since the campaign is all terran. But TBH, you should just play which ever race you want.
Zerg is not user-friendly, but mastering them first would help you with your overall skills, in my opinion. I would suggest Terran though because they're easier to follow and associate yourself with And I have no idea why this mod approval thing is in force... I'l look into it. Some sort of update to the forum is expected and this might be it, with the default setting having it on.
If you are new to RTS, play protoss. If you've already played another RTS or the campaign, play terran. Zerg are the least newbie friendly race of all, because of creep and because all your guys make from the same building.
Play Zerg to start, it really boosts your skills, although they are hard. Because they are hard. But the easiest is Terran. Just attack move and slaughter everything.
I would say terran is the most newbie friendly race. The reason is simply because they offer the best balance. Noobies should probably be exposed to a race that offers them numerous different strategies they can play without too many limitations or annoying liabilities. Playing protoss can be a bit complex because of psi and pylons, and zerg can be complex because of creep and spawning points only at hatcheries. The terrans, on the other hand, simply have factories and barracks that they can build anywhere they want. Makes life a bit simpler on the average newbie. Hope that helps.
Terran units are the most familiar. Tanks are tanks, marine are marines, ect... But mostly, just play singleplayer and get a feel for things, then play multiplayer. Everyone has to lose a lot of games to get good.