Who watched it? Who Liked it? I loved it i always seemed so much more real than anything else on because when they got shot they got hurt (HUH imagine that) and some even died not like the transformers they have now where everyone gets shot and never takes any damage but the bad guys just up and leave for no good reason since they haven't been hurt. Not to mention in Beast Wars the bad guys actually won some battles taking away the "good guys ALWAYS win" idea I loved Cheetor and Dinobot (RIP brave warrior) How about you?
My fave was totally Waspinator or Rhinox (Though Tigerhawk was kickass).... It was a simply amazing show, and very funny as well.
Actually I disagree, in Transformers the original cartoon series so many people died. In Beast Wars they have a war with like 17 participants and barely anyone dies. That was my only tiff with it. The last-ish season though, pretty awesome. Btw - Beast Wars is old lol, why bring this up...