Imo, I think that Battlestar would rape any basestar if it was to attack first. Jump in + one salvo from its foward batteries = cylon soup. However I think that it lacks other ship to ship equipment. So if you decide to place two basestars at both sides of the battlestar its pretty much f*cked. Not that it would get immidietly destroyed, no, exremely strong armoring and the barrage guns provide some resistance to missiles but basestars exhanged their maneuverability for extremely large space and therefore can throw thousands of missiles in very fast fashion. But without its forward guns it either has to turn, or rely on nukes/weaker side turrets or vipers.
Agree. Battlestar is an excellent assault ship and Basestar is more of an oldschool mothership. I think that in longer battles basestar might have some advantage since they can carry sheer number of missiles and raiders and battlestars themselfs arent that big of a threat anymore with the moment of surprise gone.