Got Starcraft a few days ago and am loving the single player campaign. Over this weekend I have been playing multiplayer with my friend and it just seems to be impossible to win a game. Attacks seem to happen far too quickly before we can even build a decent army of our own. I have tried different tactics like focusing on upgrades for starports as I played one game where someone had cloaked their banshees. I attempted this simple tactic but still got attacked by the time I could send over a small army of banshees. I have also built 2 command centres in order to get more resources coming in but I just don't seem to be able to do this quick enough! Can anyone shed some light on how other people are creating so many units in such a short space of time?
You past pratice league right? Well anyway, the way for macro or w/e noticed is to have 2 scvs per mineral stack, when you make a second cammand center get it away to an expansion, and get half of the original scvs there and protect. Watch some past replays, watch the good player and see how they do it. Thats how I learned the basics, and developed from there.
Yeah I done all the practice leagues. When I knew about the online capabilities of this game I was expecting for it to take a long time to build up any army and base and then there would be an attack, not for a game to be done in 20 mins without me being able to do any sort of attack cos the other team has cloaked units. How do you deal with this?
Tips.. Hey Jonny.. usually when you are running against the problem of people having way more than you, it is one or a combination of the following things: 1.) You aren't building nearly enough workers to harvest minerals and gas (or you are leaving too many workers idle). Remember to set your workers to come straight out of your main base and start mining minerals (by clicking your main base, then right clicking on a mineral patch.). Also, you should constantly be building workers at the start of the game. Don't queue up more than two at a time though--or you will not have enough minerals on hand to build military units. 2.) You aren't implementing a solid "build order" early on. Search for build orders online for the race that you want to get better at and practice using them against the computer until you have the first 5 minutes of the game down without even having to think about it. If you are currently building things in such a way where you get a decent force together in 10 minutes--and your opponent is using a plan that get them a decent force in 7 minutes, well then you can see that you are at a disadvantage from the get go. 3.) You aren't multitasking well in the first 5-10 minutes of the game. You really need to practice the first 5-10 minutes of the game until it becomes second nature. It should be so natural, that you don't even have to think about it. That way, if your opponent tries a cheesy tactic (fast rush, harassing your workers, etc), you are able to neutralize the problem, and still carry out your normal sequence without getting shaken up. ----------------------------------- I hope those ideas help a little. Usually it is just simple mechanics that you have to practice. If you don't have these simple, tedious tasks down pat--then it's easy for someone to run you over right away. I know that learning these systematic openings aren't that fun (I think it is the least fun part about the game), but once you start to catch on..things get really fun. Oh.. one more tip: Learn to be a scrapper. I have won more games lately by knowing how to hang on by a thread, and apply counter pressure. It seems like it is a little easier to take a hard blow and come back swinging in SC2... you'd be surprised how many matches you can win by just keeping your cool and fighting back hard.
Marcrates thank you for those tips. I have tried combinations of building structures but I will definitely look into build orders as I am doing something drastically wrong.
If you want some solid help with build orders, then this site can help you out:
I probably should have looked at a terrans guide to the universe on this forum first of all! That seems like the best guide!!!
The best thing to do after you've looked at some basic build orders and done a little playing yourself is to watch the pro's play. Youtube the SC2 King of the Beta tournament and pay attention to how they build their armies at the start of the game. Well really pay attention to all of it, you will learn so much.