Can anyone help me with this? My friends and I ALWAYS have trouble setting up a game. So usually when I play with my one friend, we can usually get a game going after a couple attempts (latency too high, unable to join errors). After playing around with who creates the game once or twice, we get to have a successful Starcraft match. The trouble really starts whenever we try to add another person. It takes forever messing around before we all can finally join a game (again, high latency and unable to join errors). Then, when we finally get a game started, it is laggy. Interestingly enough I seem to have no trouble joining any other random games. HELP!
This sounds like the standard run of the mill router issues. One or all of you is pretty clearly using a router and you're having to sync ports in order to play. Make sure anyone behind a router has ports 6112-6119 open.
You have a router? If its linksys, type in the access IP ( is standard for Linksys) Go to port forwarding... Forward 6112-6119 for the IP specific to your computer (local IP is 192.168.1.____)
I used to have a problem with hosting games but when I reformated my hosting was fine. Try your friewalls, or the advanced options in Network Connections.