Hello, I was just looking at a dutch forum and in the lasts posts of today it was mentioned that nobody could get on B-Net (the new online web-thingy) so I went to try for myself and surely I couldnt get on either. Anyone else having this problem? And what could be the cause of this downtime? Kr
The original battle.net pages seem to be gone for good. http://www.battle.net/war3 I've been unable to access the pages for a couple of weeks.
Battle.net works with me, the new one I mean. I don't understand something. I just created a new account with a new data base for Blizzard where I had to give my real address (I gave a false one because I don't trust their privacy politics) and I succeeded in created a new account There was a link 'add a game' I added Starcraft and I gave the CD-key of my game I own. Once introduced the site gives me a link "download the version for PC" huh ? I don't understand. I wanted to create a new account to get a Battle.net account to go to the forum to chat with users (I had no account) and now Blizzard offers me a way to download a game I have already ... With MY CD-key. What's wrong ?
is the new battlenet free? I thought I read somewhere that has a monthly subscription fee. Is this true? And if so does it apply to all blizzard games?
There are plans for entry fees to certain tournaments, but battle.net itself will be free. You only have to provide a legit cd-key as always. After that, you have free acces to the forum and regular games. You might see adverts because of this, but if that is what it takes for free acces: no problem. Or would you rather pay?