DiggitySC is a commentator for
Eh, he didn't really do much commenting on the actual game just kind of went off on tangents about his opinions on certain things.
Personally, I pretty much hated the commentary. It's useless babbling mixed with many unfounded accusations against Blizzard with a spot of philosophical blather about manners.
He's just doing what we do, stating his personal opinions. I thought it was interesting to listen to.
His thoughts probably would've been better if they were put into a blog format or forum post. That way, he could communicate his opinions better. Plus, then we would at least know what to expect. Expectations are one of the most important things when it comes to whether or not you'll be disappointed or impressed. But, this, I just kept expecting something to be interesting ... and then the Terran launched the final attack and the Zerg GG'd and it never came
I'm looking forward to hearing about Tasteless' updated thoughts about the game at this year's BlizzCon. Last year he was in the "I don't understand this game but I can commentate on it anyway" phase. But I do agree that the match was staged.
The match was pretty cool. But it kept me wondering.. how the hell are zerg suppossed to counter those friggin Heat Missilies the nighthawk spawns.. the cooldown's pretty short as well and I dont know how much energy it consumes, but it launched like 2 per nightwak pretty quickly... I guess Corruptors? Idk.. Plus, I think the zerg used his infestors terribly. Oh well.
The Hunter Seeker Missiles cost 75 energy, and a Raven( old name was Kighthawk ) with maximal energy capable to them (250) can cast it 3 times.
They should've kept in scourge for that reason. The ability is fine, as it has the same function as the old irradiate, however zerg now has no way of sniping off the terran nighthawk. Imo his video format is much more entertaining then any blog or forum post. Not having to read a wall of text, and being able to watch the relevant parts of the video while he talked about them is nice. I do agree that the tangent he went off on at the end was boring and unnecessary, but otherwise I liked it.
So... that's like goodbye to any workerforce you catch. I mean, send 2 or 3 at the same time to diff bases and yuo'll get at least 20 worker kills... heh.. that ability is awful
well, it's not like those abilities were never there.. just look at the shuttle+reaver. BOOM bye workers, althought that probably was a LOT more expensive that 2 ravens. But oh wellz. Zerg has nydus worm banelings an toss... dts? lol
also remember that a scarab bomb cost minerals.. not energy.. and you had to drop not just o fire from air..
An HSM cannot be fired twice in a row, it has a cooldown (which was 15 seconds the last time I saw any confirmation about the length of it). It has also been confirmed that an indicator has been added so that the player it is being used against can easily single out the unit that has been targeted, although they didn't say how exactly the indicator works. The damage, energy cost, and cooldown will be adjusted over time as blizzard sees fit and there is no doubt in my mind they will be able to balance this ability properly.
I never liked diggity as much as Klazart, and I think he actually from a strategical/technical point of view sucks, but whatever, its starcraft!
Can you find where they said that the HSM has a cooldown? i've looked for it before and couldnt find anything on that.