Battle Cruisers late game?

Discussion in 'StarCraft 2 Strategy Discussion' started by Marcrates, Aug 10, 2010.

Battle Cruisers late game?

  1. Marcrates

    Marcrates New Member

    Aug 1, 2010
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    Does anyone have luck with Battle Cruisers in late game? I'm not really able to do too much with them, honestly. I don't know if I'm going about it wrong or what... but it seems like I'm better off using the extra supplies and massing more units besides BCs.:confused:
  2. Smokiehunter

    Smokiehunter New Member

    Aug 5, 2007
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    Well that is often the case. but when the game drags out and the entire map is covered it is a good idea to go BC. Also BC should be used for their cannon vs big units. So if an opponent starts going Ultras or carriers then you might want to have gone BC about five minutes ago. be carful though about getting them vs toss they have feed back and will abuse your BCs with it. but there is nothing better than having a turtled base and a standing army and all of a sudden you bring out 4 or 5 BC and just push it to their base cannons ablazeing.
  3. VampireBob

    VampireBob New Member

    May 17, 2010
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    If you go on youtube to the King of the Beta Tournament, TLO goes battlecruisers against Idra in their second game. It's probably worth checking out.
  4. Villiers

    Villiers New Member

    Aug 5, 2010
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    I went against a platinum terran, and I completely out-macroed him and had him turtle in his base, but for the life of me I couldn't break in for like half an hour.

    I tried massing tanks with vikings for spotters and some thors, but he had excellent tank placement and fought off a few waves. I eventually went bc to break through and win.
  5. Smokiehunter

    Smokiehunter New Member

    Aug 5, 2007
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    They basically are your flag ship you get them for some muscle in the air. but you need other things to support them so don't rush to them too early or you'll be faced with a wall of rines.
  6. Whire

    Whire Guest

    I feel as though BCs can be actually a very effective unit to keep in mind during play, a lot of terran players neglect it due to its cost of resources. As Smokie said that they are your flagship, they are your flagship for a reason. I usually tend to upgrade weapons from armory early to mid game for all units made from starport. u can get 2-3 battlecruisers mid-late to early-late game. Send these in with 6-8 cheep vikings, and 2-4 banchees. thats a pretty effective force you got there. Micro the units with what you need them to do, (BC cannon, banchees taking out AAforces, Vikings taking out air units). pretty effective and that small force is not that expensive coming from a terran player with atleast two bases with effect mule use. Sometimes for ****s and giggles il send a medivac in with 4-8 SCVs if i can spare the minerals and just drop the scvs under the air units with auto repair on, you would be surprised at how often the enemy DOES NOT attack the SCVs and FFs ur air units LOL. The BCs are the backbone of this force with there versitility and single target strong cannon. Also, if you have been teching ur weapons for units from startport, this is on all the units produced for this force obviosly. so your going in with some dank ****. GG