Hey all, Im pretty new to the game Starcraft2, enyoing it alot i must say. Started to play multiplayer after watching a few strat guides on tube. Now i can manage okay on the bronze section, so all is well.. Last game i played though i was acused of base camping. I dont really get it, can u actually camp in a RTS? I was just building up a force to attack his base and managed pretty good and wiped him of the map. He did some small attacks on me and that was it. Before he logged of he acused me of noobish base camping. Now i know im a noob at this game, but is there such a thing as camping? match didnt last longer then 20 mins.... Hope to get some of your ideas on it.... Regards Dittohead
...Base camping is a legitimate strategy. Sucks to be him that he didn't expand when he could, and props to you for locking him up in his base.
Okay, but is it camping if u dont rush marines...? Like u say, its a tactic i play, one rushes a other builds up and defends... Camping in a RTS seems strange to me..
U can do 2 things that can make you accused of camping - Turtling and containing. If you turtle, you build up defenses, wall off, and then get a strong army to attack. If you contain a person, you wall him off inside his own base, so he cant get out, and therefore gets "starved" so you can attack him. Both are legitimate, often-used, good strategies. He were just an A#"hole for calling you that, since he just got dominated by it, and did not exploit the strategies weaknesses.
I guess he could only express his dissatisfaction at the impending loss through being mad and blaming his opponent when he let himself get trapped in his base. I was called a turtling ***got once when I had two expansions, both Xel'naga towers, and full map control. He mad.
heh, well okay then, guess he wasnt as good as he thought he was then. Cause against most players i still cant manage to pump out enought units, oh well, practice practice practice!!
Yup, he was just mad cause he lost. Very useful and valid strategies, but they both have their weekpoints (strategies of walling yourself in and building up, or walling him in and starving him) when turtling, it gives him the chance to expand, and to outproduce you and starve you. when walling them in, your defenses have to be kinda thin, since you are having to guard the entire perimeter, even if only a few turrets or something here and there.....but that provides him with alot of places to attack to, maybe take out some units, and he may have been spending the time building up a decent force.
The way you played is in no way noobish. It is extremely effective and commonly done to keep the other player in your control. What IS noobish though is lacking enough creativity to bust through a position you let yourself get into, so in all honesty that guy is a noob. Also, camping is a bad way to describe the strategy because in an FPS camping is sitting in a "cheap" location waiting for somebody to go get you. Here, you are actually risking a lot to contain the other player because you are vulnerable to drops and are underneath the other player's cliffs. All in all, good job containing and dont worry about that person's nerd rage