Banelings and the Nydus Worm

Discussion in 'Zerg' started by b0urne, Aug 14, 2007.

Banelings and the Nydus Worm

Discussion in 'Zerg' started by b0urne, Aug 14, 2007.

  1. b0urne

    b0urne New Member

    Aug 7, 2007
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    I'm sure there are limitations to the Nydus Worm, although I don't really know what they would be. If there were no limitations, couldn't someone just erect a worm into the enemy's main resource patch and send in a whole bunch of banelings? Or zerglings + banelings?
  2. Bizarro_Paragon

    Bizarro_Paragon New Member

    Aug 13, 2007
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    Pop up anywhere, yes. But they also said you have to place a beacon first.

    I'll bet you anything that when the Nukes were first announced for Terrans in SC1, people had the same reaction. Hypothetically, you could just drop Nukes anywhere you want! Now, of course, we now that it's not that simple. Sure, you could drop a Nuke straight onto a resource operation, but if you could actually get a ghost that far into the base, that late in the game... I mean, your opponent pretty much deserves to have a Nuke dropped on him.

    I imagine it will be much the same mechanic for the Nydus Worm.
  3. ninerman13

    ninerman13 New Member

    Jul 19, 2007
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    I think that you'll be able to deploy the Nydus Worm anywhere, with two big limitations that make it balanced:

    1) You have to place it into a place you can see, in other words, not in the fog of war.
    2) The Nydus Worm can be killed before it fully deploys.

    So a skilled player would be able to kill your worm before it could deploy in the middle of their resource patch. Not to mention you'd have to have an Overlord in sight.
  4. Bizarro_Paragon

    Bizarro_Paragon New Member

    Aug 13, 2007
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    It hasn't been revealed whether it will even be a unit that will place the beacon. For all we know, it's a building that does it. My theory is that there will be a specialized Zerg unit that runs around, burrows into the ground, dies, and three seconds later, the Worm pops up where it burrowed.

    Right on both counts. You will have to be able to see where you are deploying the Worm because you'll need to get a beacon there. You can't just launch beacons arbitrarily onto the map. Much the same way as a Ghost needs to see where the Nuke will hit, the Zergs will need someone or something to see where the Worm will pop out.
    Also, don't forget that in the demo video, the Worm had a prolonged period where it popped out of the ground and screeched it's head off. This will be the time when you can kill the worm before it even deploys any units. Of course, we also learned that the Worms are pretty darn tough, so hitting it hard enough to kill it before any units come out will be difficult at best, even for someone with fast reflexes.
  5. timedragon888

    timedragon888 New Member

    Jul 30, 2007
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    Placing a beacon? What does that mean? Does it mean a zerg beacon suddenly appears on the ground?
  6. BnechbReaker

    BnechbReaker New Member

    Aug 6, 2007
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    i think it might work like this:

    the nydus canal building (if it still exists) will have a ability to place a beacon anywhere on the map that the player can currently see. then it might take some resources to start building the nydus worm. when it's complete the worm will burst out of the ground where the beacon is. then you can send your units.
  7. opm

    opm New Member

    Jun 20, 2007
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    i agree this limitation seems to be necessary, although i'd imagine that the worms noise level is a sufficient warning or preventative measure from the developers persepctive. if there was a unit that marks the spot, it would remind me of how killer bees when they sting a person, all the other bees advance on that position. speaking of which, this sounds like it would be a really cool spell for a new caster :p

    thanks for the inspiration :)