That's always a problem between the US and holland. The US pretty much has only one level of high school, while holland has 6 (from high to low; praktijk-onderwijs, vmbo-p, vmbo-t, mavo, havo, vwo). A GED or High School diploma is probably at least equivalent to a vmbo-t, which would be the "average" school level. There probably are official rules, but I can't find em. In any case, the dutch government likes kissing US butt, so your diploma is worth at least something.
Pretty sure he did too. Hey man, I got excellent scores on my tests you know. Why the hell are there so many levels anyway?
Because the grades aren't actually important for later jobs or studies, just the level of diploma you have. It started with only 2 levels, but more and more grew. Those 6 I mentioned each also have sublevels with different diploma's.
Wow. That sounds pretty complicated drie.. And Aurora, I have a job and **** now man. I spend little time on the comp, plus my own comp doesn't have nets. Damn library again.
I got fancy moneys for being a smart mexican when I graduated. Does your country do that, drie? Only care about minorities?
Not really. Minority students get a small amount of extra funding, which goes towards an extra language lesson each week (they only get funding if they actually need the extra lessons). I actually went to what was seen as THE minority school of the Netherlands, and never heard of anything like that other than the extra language class. Also, the reason my school has become that that is because they offer extra facilities to people who have lived here less than five years (they also offer bilingual education, classical education, computer-focused education, mavo-level education(which is rare) and have good ties with the university of Amsterdam, so they're also popular with the rest of the populace) And yes, it's crazy complicated, especially since the government makes changes every year.
I don't think we should give extra funding to people from out of country. Not being racist here at all, just where is the equallity in that? Or affirmitive action, load of crap I say, it shouldn't even be a consideration what race someone is when filing for a job.
Did I ever say it was about people from out of country? Nope. It's about people who's heritage is from out of the country. Affirmative actions has transformed in to some sort of false value that minorities hold over the majority. It's ridiculous, but I'm not complaining. I have tuition paid. ^.^
Eh, the language lessons have a lot of pay-off for their low price. Don't think the money could have improved that many students that quickly in any other way.
Starting monday on my computer sciences study. Any tips and hints regarding university from forum members?
It's not like high school. There's no cliques or 'cool kid' group (besides the teams I guess), no one cares how you dress so just do whatever, if you like something, there's a club for that, teachers won't know you, have fun.
Getting personal with your professors is kinda weird, but so far has payed off for me. Syllabi are very important, and can change. Take notes, even if you never have in the past. Don't be a tool with annoyances like phone interruptions.