Yo sup everyone. Just coming back but I don't have much time. I hope I can just get along with everyone this time. Haven't heard from a few popular people. Mind filling me in guys? I missed out on some action so =/ Anyways seems like the forum is starting to change back to the old ways and I lvoe that. I know everyone is working really hard to get the forum together and I will try and do what I can. Thanks to those Mods out there for keeping it real here. For haters comon. Give me another chance. ;D WHERE IS IMAGINE!!!!!!!!!! and Gm. Wheres Tweak!!
go away......... ..... lol jk... anyways, imagines out (which means im the new ruler of maps and replays section), gm_k > light, major willy has a daily "sig and avi changing session", mee has a new hat, kuraikozo is nao a mod and a hyperion, and jiff is still the same... or maybe he wasnt the same as before..... and im still awesome ^^,
It's not daily you dingleberry. Whenever I feel they get stale. But yeah. Slight changes here and there but more or less the same. Welcome back Rex.
XD hey rex, I remember you ^ ^ the place is very crazy, especially in chat, but otherwise, its still awesome :3 I changed my name to Light, but people still call me GM.
and rex was the one who broke the old flash chat remember? (if you have trouble remembering, try to lurk around kurai's YT account)
Good to see you again Rex, there are some awesome updates of SC2 so go check it out and D3 has been unvieled :> (i'm guessing you have already seen/read them all...)
teh king has returned! all hail the regem! srsly, dont go all hardcore annoying this time, or ill see to it personally that your life will become a living hell XP lolz jk
@meee Wow... Tweak is gone... Thanks for dat part. @Ursa Heh Thanks but about the chat I BROKE IT!?!?!?!?!!? Thats what you call teh hax. Lag style. Honestly I didn't do anything, I just left my comp logged in dere (Crappy comp) and when I came back it logged me out so I tred logging in than it froze. Thats prob when it was going all hax @Gm Heh so no more Madness?????? And thanks @karlo We will see. @Drie You wanna bet!!!!! Jk just went to annoy u cas u kept on doing that dammed ignoring on chat. @Willy Heh I can see its the same now but before I was lost. Keep up the fresh stuff man looking slick =D @Rine Ah long time no see bro. Yes I have looked into those pretty cool. @Rinecorp Heh I know about D3 Ive been on B.net a couple times I seen. Thanks anyways @karlo We will see.... >=D @Drie You wanna bet???? >=D @MajorWilly Heh thanks for the welcome =]