Too busy gearing up my death knight, roleplaying, dominating in Team Fortress 2 as the soldier, filling Infected (common or special) with lead in Left 4 Dead 2, and doing work in Photoshop.
Too busy visiting my parents down in VA before I go to boot camp. o_o When I leave in a week and a half my *** is gone for like a year with the actualy basic training and schooling and such.
I'm gonna be Navy. =P Wont handle many guns, atleast nothing below a 50 cal. ;D Nah, Navy goes through the basic trainings of the M16 and pistols and such just incase we ever need to know how to do that. When it comes to security though, there are Marines packin' quite a bit of heat on every ship whether they are deployed or not. I just wonder when it'll be that I'll have time to play video games again after I leave. T-T