What is up with players who join league games and then right at the start they use their workers to attack their own allies. I had this happen to me 3 times today. I checked the player who did this he was bronze in all leagues with a really bad score like 1-40. Has anyone else had this happen to them?
its happened to me before also. Basically, they just play to **** with their allys and try to piss them off. Basically they are young, and think it is funny. Best thing to do is do not fuel their fire, and just leave. Yea, you get a loss, but it's no fun for him because he doesnt get the satisfication.
A prime example of why you should play team games with friends instead of going for random matchups. These guys you play with probably just have nothing better to after losing every 1v1 they ever tried (which is probably less than 5 matches).
Report the users for cheating. I'd assume if they did it enough, they'd get banned from Battle.net now. I know I would sure as hell report them.
I told the rest of the team that we should just leave and report him. but out of all the categories i couldn't really find one that fit in to what he did. The closest were harassment and the one you mentioned cheating but then i thought harassment as in keep bothering the play through the chat box and cheating as in maphack. I also had another match where an ally tried to block me in with only pylons and he thought it was funny. Why don't these people just go play custom games if they want to fool around
Happend to me, playing a 3v3 match, all these zerglings came to my base...and BAM! My economy was destroyed sadly.
Wow. I had no idea garbage like this even existed in league play. I mean I know my partners are not always great players, but damn!
I've never seen this happen, but I placed in gold league in 2v2 and now I'm in platinum...Is it really that common in bronze league?