So how does one go about getting all the upgrades in the armory before finishing the campaign? Is it possible to get all the mercenaries as WELL as the upgrades in one go? Seems like you have to pick one or the other...I mean I beat the campaign doing every single mission (on normal) before going to Char (except for the bonus mission), and I had all the mercenaries purchased and wasn't even close to getting all the upgrades (yes I maxed out research, did all the bonus objectives and other research opportunities, pretty much got all the credits I could). It seems that even if I focused completely on the armory upgrades, you couldn't get enough credits for all of them (especially when it starts costing ~125,000 credits per upgrade and there's 2 for each unit or w/e). Would you have to do the campaign a couple times and just focus on 1 set of armory upgrades each time? Cause that'd be damn annoying. Thanks.
u could cheat lol "whysoserious" = 5,000,000 credits. i personally dont cheat but from your situation maybe this could be an option lol
Ummm...yeah, from what I've heard cheats don't work or that there aren't any...but I've also heard that they work but then you can't get achievments.
I have heard that cheats disable achievements, just as offline play does. Cant remember when or where, thou.
Yes. The first time through you can get, say, the base, vehicle, and dominion upgrades, and the second time through you can get the infantry and starship upgrades.