Well, in asking that you're really asking two questions, the former being if you think you're nerdy and the latter being if you think others think you're nerdy. There's also the difficult conundrum of how nerdy is considered to be nerdy, as people obviously have levelling degrees of nerdiness, people who aren't nerdy at all would still have a slight degree of nerdism in them.... *continues on nerdy rant* Yeah, I'd say I am. Not that I diligently do all my homework each night or study hard for tests, in fact it's quite the opposite, but that doesn't really change much.
lol, that really sounded nerd there are two types of nerds the admirable nerd; the one who works hard is nice to everyone and always gets A's the computer nerd; most people on this forum, spends much time on the computer, prefers discussing about nerdy stuff, has much knowledge about computers and has a weird sense of humor+ a weird laugh i fit the second type
i'm a nerd~ i come in bozed of color variation and i'm sugar coated. Then people pour me into their hands and eat me D;
I would classify myself a nerd but not by ijff's definitions. My appetite for gaming fluctuates and I like to use slightly rare words like fluctuate to keep my English in shape I'll talk about "nerdy" things as long as they're related to gaming, image editing, harware/software problems/peculiarities, but the topic of computers ends there for me. But I consider myself a nerd of language. I might come across as an uptight and orderly person who likes to follow rules and such. I'm like that in written language because there's time to choose the way I express myself. I am a little sensitive to language rapists out of nature (hence my chosen field of linguistics) but I'm more easy-going in person
The only thing that might be nerdy about me is my love for playing videogames. Other than that I'm the least nerdy guy you'd meet.