Introducing the idea of APM; actions-per-minute! Longstory-short, it measures how many times you click and press buttons and average it out into a number which determines how fast your movements and control is over your keyboard and mouse. A more detailed explanation about APM can be reviewed here: APM analysis A live APM counter (for absolutely anything not just starcraft!) can be downloaded here: APM-live-counter trick to using it is to press alt+z at the beginning of every game, and take note of its value at the end. download one of the best starcraft replay-analytical programs here: BWChart it tells you everything about every action that occurs ingame and has many useful evaluations, including hack-detection =) P.S: the conversation that sparked up this thread, relating to the n00b tournament:
Re: APM live! - a measure of your 1337 starcraft skillzzz!!! My APM hovers around 60, and most of those actions are "select" commands. It is kind of embarrassing, since most of the people I play with have APMs in 80+-land and they use more "move" commands. Oh, and if you think APM is an end-all measure of skill, I have a friend that can slaughter people playing at 80 while playing at 30. It's crazy.
Re: APM live! - a measure of your 1337 starcraft skillzzz!!! hmm... I heard the pros have apms around 300 hundred, and some of them have higher. I doubt I'll ever get that high.
Re: APM live! - a measure of your 1337 starcraft skillzzz!!! From what I understand, once you get into the mid 100s, any differences are unnoticeable.
Re: APM live! - a measure of your 1337 starcraft skillzzz!!! instead of discussing your beliefs on the measurement of APM, just read the analysis i linked and from asking general pros i know, APM efficiency begins to drop significantly after around 200 APM. any less than 200 APM describes your inability to handle split screenplay.
Yeah, mine is like, 40 or so. lol. That Brood War replay thing is confusing, but cool. I will try to figure it out...
Wow mine was 140, but i must admit it was one of the most intense matches ive played. 2 protoss vs 2 terrans, a lot of massing from us and a lot of drop attemps from the terrans, but we eventually crushed them. Im going to play with the meter on as from now on. Its a good indicator to know if my gamplays good or lazy, and it really stimulates me (not sexually, tho).
I'm sure my APM is incredibly low but I can handle myself in games just fine. It may spike up a bit during fights... but meh.
Normally, i have around 75 APM. I noticed on a recent LAN i was at, that when i drink Coca Cola, it jumps up to around 150 for about 2-3 minutes. I have yet to try coffee.
Wow I wanted to improve and my last game was pretty fast.. 145 Apm... I don't think I can get any higher
Hahaha bullshit. Thats 1 action per 20 seconds. So if you select CC, click SCV, select SCV thats just a whole minute on gampley just for that. You even take more than a minute to send him mine haha.
hahahah... good point. but i ussually play sc with a lot of other programs with it so w.e. I guess i'll check it out soon.
Hey I tried downloading that from that link and my AVG picked out a Trojan horse! "Trojan horse Downloader.Agent.ABEV" to be more specific