i was wondering if anyone wants to team up for 2v2 or 3v3. 1v1 24 wins -15 loesses- Plat league rank 1. 2v2 random - 32 wins - 31 losses plat league rank 21. 2v2 preteam- 24 wins 18 lossses diamond league rank 20. i really got screwed doing 2v2 with random teammates, so i want to do 2v2 or 3v3 with solid teammates to boost my win-loss ratio. since i am doing this to boost my win-loss ratio, i need someone just good as me or better as a teammate. let me know if you are interested.
1v1 Platinum rank #11 2v2 Platinum rank #07 I'm not really interested in 3v3 since it gets even more imbalanced than 2v2 already is. Getting tired of the 2v2 Random format where you only get paired up with an equally skilled partner maybe once every 5 matches. Looking to play 2v2 pretty seriously. Not really into the casual-cheese-rush play typical of 2v2. Name: BambooPanda ID: 664