I have the flat true type but I was looking for the actualy silver letters with the 3d beveled look used on the logos and official art/wallpaper. Preferably it should have the background be either alpha channel or a solid color easily changed into an alpha channel
No I found one after searching but it is too small of too low of a quality for what I was wanting to do. I need transparencies but I found some JPEGs of sich low quality theres spots everywhere that would take me a while to claen up then convert to a new format. I was hoping to find something already in PNG format (that is the right type right)
What? You're talking about a font for it? For use in things like Photoshop or Word, etc. Just search for Photoshop Starcraft font and it will come up. I use it all the time. I think it's rather high-resolution actually. I don't understand what you're asking for when you mean that it already comes in .png format. Lol.
http://eknp.com/php/fd.php?f=starcraft I can't vouch for the safety of this download as I didn't bother to scan it, but it should be fine. You can search for others like this. Just type in Starcraft Font. Not exactly hard.