I've had it. Every time I get into a random match, I get stuck with someone who either: A) has no build order B) has no lay (is 'wingin in') C) Just got the game And no matter what I do, no matter HOW HARD I try, I ALWAYS wind up in favored-severely favored games. So I say screw going random. I need a partner who is at least decent, had the game for awhile and Actually knows how to play. Because the only way I'm ever going to enjoy SC2 online (and not against AI) is to win or at least lose because I screwed up, not because I'm being stuck with a new player who has now strategy. So? Anyone? EDIT: I'm not raging, but the one time I actually teamed up with someone I did really well (got from rank 78 to11 in 2 games), but now he doesnt seem to play as often as he used to.
Err, every time you lose is because you screwed up somewhere. Or you screwed up everywhere. Or at least 99% of the time, cause there's that odd match where luck can be a determining factor, but that's a bit rare. If you get stuck against players like this, then you just grab an easy win and slow will start getting pitted against tougher opponents. If you lose aagainst such players then you screwed up and need to rewatch that replay and focus on which points you let your mechanics drops, which times were there oppenings for an attack that you didn't exploit, where you spent money in tech or expanding when your enemy attaked and wiped you, or when your enemy expanded and you turtled and he got ahead in economy, things like that.. As for a partnair, if you're in EU, just add me and we can practice some
Aw crap Im NA Well, Im always doing 2 on 2, so obviously teamwork works. This last game I played was with aprotoss dude, and he didn't have a CLUE what he was going to do strategy-wise. His build order was pretty good, but he built like 3 gateways, 5 zealots, 5 stalkers, 2 immortals and 2 void rays by the time I had 20 zerglings and 6 hydras. I got rushed by roaches and roaches and mutas. Needless to say, we were smashed.
I feel the same way, not saying i would win all the time if my partner was better but it would sure help. If you want to play a few games together let me know. Im no pro at this but can do okay.
same feelings here, except i play with a steady team 3v3 or 4v4, with ppl i kno, and whenever we play, we are almost always not favored and always stuck in bronze now we don't claim to be the best but we kno individually, we are for sure better than bronze, and still, we get stuck in bronze limbo bnet rankings in 3v3 or 4v4 are messed up
You said yourself, you're better individually, which means you need to work on your team work, which is a big factor in team games. Matchmaking is good and I find my diamond rank appropriate because we use skype with my team mate. We're good together. Not so much individually... and might I add that our rise in ranks and promotion was quite predictable by judging who we won and lost against. You might be mixing up your wins/losses and how favoured you were. Don't automatically call the system bad.
you are right kuvasz, individually we are good, but team communication, i admit, is lacking, as one of us in any given time is almost always doing their own thing, teching up rather than making a combined early attack ill correct myself in saying that the ranking system in 3v3/4v4 isn't exactly bad, but i still don't really have a good grasp on it, sometimes time spent doesnt automatically jump your rank ?
re Had the game 2 weeks now and so far Im 6-25. Yeah I suck. But so did my last opponent. All he did was wall up inside his base. I did a scan and saw about 24-30 marines at his entrance. All I had was 4 marines in bunkers, 2 Hellions, 2 marauders, 2 siege tanks, 3 Vikings, 1 Ghost. He could have overran me probably. So after the scan I saw all those marines so I sent my Ghost down and dropped a nuke. Took out most if not all the marines, a barracks, and 2 supply depot's. He surrendered after that.