And if so, where the hell would I start as a new player? Seriously starting to get fed up with WoW, and looking for something on a more grand scale and decent player interaction. EVE seems to have all that, but it's kind of overwhelming, to say the least.
I'm just wondering how hard it is to get to anything meaningful in the game. I've been lurking at their official forums for a while now, you see. They seem to be pretty hostile towards newer players. That, and the gap between the big players in corporations with practically endless resourced and new people seems so massive, that it's practically impossible to ever gain in on them. Am I being overly negative here, or do these statements hold some truth?
EVE: Excel Online. I have zero tips personally, but these guys do. Read through the threads. Link 1 Link 2
Ok, so this is making me strongly consider to not even dl the trial...
They've apparently updated it a hell of a alot since ZP reviewed it. My brother loves it but i've never played it :S.
^They have. Also you should take anything Yahtzee says with a grain of salt because his videos are more about entertainment than actual review. That being said, it can take a long time to get some worthwhile progress in the game. To give you an idea: When my roommate played he'd always start up the game, send his ship to mine asteroids, then alt+tab out and do whatever homework he had until he finished his homework or his ship had mined to capacity (whichever came first). Anyway, I'd say just download the trial and give it a go. It's not like you have anything to lose if you don't like it, right?
I played the trial once. I really enjoyed it. I spent my time looking for anomalies. I didn't have any issues with old players screwing me over. ...not that I ever came in to contact with anybody worthwhile.
Yeah, it was pretty confusing. I had to find a tutorial online and a quick-help sheet online for my anomaly scanning.