I found my SC1 cd and Brood War and i want to get some Bnet games on, but i cant find my cd key....I used a cd key gen program, but i cant access Bnet with it. anyone nice enough to spare me one if they dont need it. thanks.
Buy a new copy of the game or send in your manual with a $10 money order to Blizzard whichever is cheaper. Do you want the link?
well i have the original cds, and i have a cd key generator, which works for install, but honestly, i know its 9.99$ to buy, but i dont really wanna go out and buy it now, ide rather throw down another 35$ and get a 3.5sack of some sticky icky greens. by the way thats a LOT of toss pets u got there bird lol
Well much better if you will solve your problem for me Starcraft1 is awesome, its nice to have Starcraft 1 Game Original cd softwar and Broodwar, so you have still the collection and the Storyline, hope ypu can find a solution, but sorry i can help lol
I dont think you can spare cd keys, becuase you won't be able to go on the same time. the best bet is to just buy another game. that's what i did with cod2. Btw, that's a nice army bird of prey's amassing there.
No one's going to give you a free key :no: It's 9.99 (at most), and I do suggest getting a key. Never forget the SCI.
Well im living in Israel at the moment, moved from Budapest, Hungary this summer, and ive wanted to buy Dawn of War, been to 4 different electronics stores and havent seen either DoW or SC1, just mostly console games and some PC games. ill keep looking
Get a CD key generator , I got one and it give's about 10 sc1 key's , I didn't need it because I bought to and failed to download the game itself , broodwar should arive soon and I am drawing my dark archon ATM , I'll try and find the key generator for You and give You a key bro EDIT : I found it and he is one for You bro , 5089-65419-6406 that is the original and the brood war use's the original key
thanks coreyb but i got a cd key gen too, but it dont work for Bnet, someone been nice enough to give me a cd key, checkin now if it will work.
Yeah, I actually bought a new Starcraft Original CD + CD Key at my local EB Games for 2.98. I was able to connect to battle.net except it was muted for some reason. Someone on this forum gave me a fully functional CD-Key though. Thanks!