Srsly, there are too few maps played... MOAR FFA! I liked some of the other blizz-made-maps like blood bath ad bridge too near, with others... any1 with me?
ME! I'm horrible at fastest and bgh. but I don't see myself as good enough to waste people's time at the few 1v1 maps that are hosted.
Fastest is stupid. I was sick of the octopus-layout of that map the first time I played it, and a few hundred versions of the same map hasn't changed a thing. I like BGH more because the terrain isn't so uniform, but it'd be nice to see a different map of it.
I think the online state of Starcraft 1 is a little depressing. That, or I need to actually go on and spend more time hunting for games that aren't FASTEST LOLOLOL.
...Yeah see I've never bothered with that, or even know how to work it. Plus I think I might be retired from Starcraft until 2. Uninstalled it the other day and... eh.
yeah....Im nowhere near good enough to play that server. Those in my clan that do use it are around C rank, I'd rate myself a D- at best.
lol iCCup is pretty insane. I managed to get to C- once, and was SO happy. And then it got reset. And anyone up for some 1v1? or 2v2? Fastest and BGH do nothing for skill. All you need is 40 Gateways, 50 Workers mining the near infinite minerals, and see who pumps the best.
I always host low money maps Like 2v2@python, or 3v3@Hunters So if your decent at 2v2 you know where I'm at
never really done 2v2 and 3v3, I've got no idea how to coordinate attacks and strategies with allies.
ya. we have inside 1v1's and 2v2's all the time. I pub with members for 2's also and time to time.. 3v3. Also do RW's and FFA's. played a 5 man FFA on killing fields over the weekend ^_^ Fastest is UMS for a win! I hate it. And ya old school maps are still fun.. but blood bath cannot be played seriously. Its instant rush game.