Anyone else notice people going BCs/Carriers more often?

Discussion in 'General StarCraft 2 Discussion' started by Takaim, Sep 28, 2010.

Anyone else notice people going BCs/Carriers more often?

Discussion in 'General StarCraft 2 Discussion' started by Takaim, Sep 28, 2010.

  1. Takaim

    Takaim Member

    Mar 19, 2010
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    It seems lately a lot of people are pumping out BCs/Carriers really quick in games now a days? Probably 4 out of the last 10 games I've been in has turned into people massing BCs, Carriers, or both really early on in the game. Getting a few shee's or voids out and then going carriers. Am I just getting the people? Or is it happening all over the leagues atm?
  2. zaner123

    zaner123 New Member

    Apr 9, 2010
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    Washington, USA
    I've seen Battlecruisers once. Never seen carriers (or brood lords for that matter) in any of my games. I play Protoss and am fairly high rank Diamond.

    The battlecruisers I saw were late-mid game. The terran was turtling hardcore so I expanded and maxed an army with high templars, stalkers, and charge zealots, and a couple colossi. I expected mass mech/m&m.. Fail scouting obviously.

    I charged in when he was trying to expand and figured I had it won, then 8 battlecruisers came rolling in. I feedbacked in panic and started to focus fire with my stalkers... but the battlecruisers wer already 2-2 upgrades and had good siege tank backup. I lost hardcore. I spent my stockpile of 5000 minerals and about 2000 gas that I accumulated from 4 fairly saturated bases... and hardly made a dent. Battlecruisers are definitely a great unit vs Protoss, in the right situation. I needed void rays, stalkers just didn't cut it.

    Anyyway that's just one story.
  3. Suzina

    Suzina New Member

    May 25, 2010
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    I've seen battlecruisers and broodlords quite bit when I spawn as terran and turtle (I play random). As zerg, I pretty much never see BCs or carriers. As protoss, I've never had carriers used against me, because they tend to favor mass void ray late game, but I"ve seen brood lords and battlecruisers on rare occasion.

    I think the BCs, carriers, and brood lords really come out if you get to late late game and have a ton of static defenses. Otherwise.... there are better units to spend minerals on for most situations.
  4. Stirlitz

    Stirlitz Member

    Aug 20, 2010
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    Day9 had his viewers do Carrier rushes last week for submissions for this week's monday funday daily and as he said he got like 2.6k submissions or so, so I guess you might as well have stumbled upon day9 viewers, lolz. Even HuK sent a few replays which day9 showed in an extra show, again with carrier rushes.

    You can watch the dailies here if interrested :p

    This could be it that you've been experiencing, lolz :p
    have fun!
  5. Takaim

    Takaim Member

    Mar 19, 2010
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    Maybe I encountered one of them and had him real butthurt. =P Would be a shame if he didn't post it cus after he killed me off with the carriers/voids I took control of my partner who was quite a bit lower than me in terms of rank, knowledge, and skill. Kept telling him what to build. But anyway. I ended up raping a very supperior group of voids/carriers with a decent amount of stalkers. Microed the hell outa him. lol He was mad. :C Started swearin at me. T-T What's I do?

    I dunno, maybe it was the silver/gold ranks that have been doing it. Seems like the mind set of them, go for the most powerful unit you can think of the fastest. xD
  6. XxVeNtAnAxX

    XxVeNtAnAxX Guest

    I am starting to see battlecruisers alot more. I dont see carriers as much though. It seems like the only time i see bcs is when the game lasts more then 20 minutes. Then all of a sudden a wave of bcs come. I have literally seen carriers 4 or 5 times only in 200 games
  7. Scvrush-

    Scvrush- New Member

    Jul 15, 2010
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    Carriers in my opinion needs to be buffed. They do pitaful damage, cannot kill a battlecruiser 1v1. Takes a year to kill an ultralisk with their pitaful 5 damage per interceptor. They should make the damage 10 x1 instead of 5x2 to balance things out a bit against high armored units. In addition, the cost of making additional interceptors just doesn't make much sense. Also, it takes forever to build the thing. For a unit that is late tier 3, requires money to build interceptors and also take time to build them. They should be better than their performance right now.

    My Opinion on Battlecruisers:

    They are no longer the Battlecruiser we had in Starcraft 1 anymore. They don't rap* everything in the air and ground. Since starcraft 2's units deal more damage, the battlecuriser's hp and damage didnt' increase signicantly to compensate for it. I still believe that BCs are really great support units for your marines, tanks and thors. This is especially true against a protoss simply because they lack anti heavy air.
  8. Xern

    Xern New Member

    Aug 11, 2010
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    Carriers aren't designed to kill bc's, nor ultras, you have void rays for that. Carriers are counter for mass small units, like marines, hydras and stalkers with some micro and support, phoenixes, mutalisks (if not massed too hard). Armor is very effective against them, so you want to target units with low armor. Also attack upgrade does a huge damage boost (+1 x 2 x number of interceptors).
  9. Breakbeatz

    Breakbeatz New Member

    Sep 2, 2010
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    Against protoss, my start on most maps is mmm. If I notice they are going for a hard counter to it ( colossus, immortal, zealot without a lot of stalkers) then I pull back, put a tech lab on each of my starports and try to get out 4 BCs quickly. I'm platinum close to diamond and it works well against protoss that commit too heavily to defending against mmm.